30.08. ХРОНИКИ МЕТСТАБИЛЬНОСТИ. Курс ДОЛЛАРА на сегодня. Нефть. Золото. Рубль. Новости. Трейдинг

30.08. ХРОНИКИ МЕТСТАБИЛЬНОСТИ. Курс ДОЛЛАРА на сегодня. Нефть. Золото. Рубль. Новости. Трейдинг

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Friends, I welcome you to the Ninja Capital channel, this is an evening review, let's look at what events are taking place such trends in the market and, accordingly, what movements to expect at the evening session today, here are the key assets of the gold dollar oil ruble and so on so friends, let's probably start with the calendar today data on consumer inflation in the eurozone and in germany, respectively, is most interesting for us what is connected with germany, the data are quite intricate here, on the one hand, the consumer price index has grown a little year of the year, but at the same time the dynamics of month to month it lags a little bit behind translating it into normal human language from The statistical conclusion here follows from this that in fact inflation in Germany is still slowing down despite the fact that the year the year here is obvious growth, meaning if we compare the current value and the previous value of the year of the year , but in fact, when moving from one period to another, we see that inflation has ceased to grow as it was expected from it, but for Europe, in fact, this is not a very positive moment because it is geared towards creating surplus value, and there if inflation begins to subside, then, accordingly, this indicates that there will be a decrease in the activity of both production and consumerism so we are and now such an amazing moment, the index of unfinished sales in the real estate market of the United States minus one point eight percent, that is, these are the sales that began but they did not reach the signing of the documents and the conclusion of the contract, but here the trends are very positive and because it turns out there was a forecast on the growth of the fact that there will be more sales, respectively, there is a decrease here, but nevertheless, despite the fact that this indicator turned out to be negative in the American market, everything is wonderful, so well, as for Russian GDP, here it is necessary to wait for darkness and, accordingly, data in Russian GDP will be released so friends let's move on to american news, let's see what they write here, what is happening and how this will affect the movement of quotations, or at least the situation on the situation, the millionaire Paul himself who shorted with prime and called the crypt a useless bubble, you know me, such judgments are somewhat amusing when a person who has been spinning all his life one might say he lived among bubbles begins to build logical chains of a bubble that is not a bubble that is useless that a useful bubble and so on, but at least it’s just some kind of informational reason to create, because it’s one thing when he said so, let's say some worker of the Ford factory who is all his life professionally assembled cars and for him all this, but by and large, as it is, for most people it is not clear what they are doing with these derivatives there, bubbles, and so on, his words like this would be quite fair and quite appropriate when a person who has lived his whole life asserts such a thing and swam there to how it says that most likely he probably has a ka there is a goal in order to assert this, I am not there for some crypto fans, but I see that this is just a new round in the development of technologies, respectively, here, most likely, the development will continue until everything, of course, everything ends sooner or later, but for now there are signs for so that what is happening to the script, I now do not observe in any way, but the fact that such statements sound it means that someone is playing a game and, accordingly, is trying to somehow squeeze out and scripts are possible in order to be cheaper and can be bought for some goals in order to transfer Perry somewhere to drive the matter is that to consider any statements, especially of this kind without a detailed understanding of the motivation of a particular person, I think it is very difficult to make special fair judgments here, well, from my point of view, he pursues some kind of then it is quite a common goal of giving such an interview and, accordingly, provides this kind of analysis, and I think that in the near future it will become It is known how this will or will not affect the crypto market, but let’s today, since such a precedent has arisen for the analysis of what Western gurus say mobius said keep 10 percent in gold because currencies will be devalued well, first of all why 10 percent for some reason I’m not one hundred percent not 20 not 30 not five per cent of the issue is quite complex and ambiguous, and in my opinion the answer to this question is only at Mr. mobius which is itself a solution invented perhaps it is just possible for him as if he, too, involved some games gold and so accordingly trying to increase the capitalization of the asset making such statements again, these are my personal speculations, I do not accuse anyone of anything, I just arrange a logical chain of what can move and where it leads and how this can affect the value of assets, respectively, but look friends here is, let's say, such an opinion that exists some magic pills need to buy gold there need to diversify ku drink there, let's say 3 to a third gold sodium there I do n’t know what is the Swiss franc or the yen there or there on the golden chicken eggs who is closer to someone, but it seems to me here the recipe for devaluation is another thing is that the modern world but in general the world he entered into a new phase of development when all the processes they proceed quickly enough and sometimes even exponentially, respectively, what is associated with a change in value, it also happens very quickly and very rapidly, the only way to protect against devaluation is to constantly analyze what will be in demand and where the world is going type of financial settlements proceeding from this, at your own peril and risk, make informed decisions thought out not to listen to anyone because in the end, all the same, everyone is responsible for the result of their actions, well, then don't tell me why mobius you told me to buy 10 percent in the form of gold, they are all there 50 percent anyway, this decision is yours and you, accordingly, implement such things on your own fear and risk and on your success and prosperity, and therefore, I think you need to treat such statements, but not that you have to be skeptical about why they are pronounced and what interest this person has who makes such statements, and then in many cases, of course, not in all, but the casket can open quite ingeniously today, in general, somehow, something bloomberg has a bit taut some numbers the name of the zbs on and chairs may not be the place to lev the best place to live may not be the best place to live and ice about the so-called crypto bubble or about 10 percent gold, but personally I think that you will have to transfer from one asset to another, first let's say a dollar then stocks then cryptocurrency you can keep something in parts a part of a penny of capital speculative what is to save but there is someone in dollars someone in gold, someone in rubles, but here you just need to clearly understand in what asset why you are holding and you need to give yourself an answer to the question why I keep in such an asset For example gold for what I'm doing and what my expectations horizon if these three questions, you yourself can answer answer accordingly you any conception at a certain time interval used can mobius but can there I do not know believe millionaire pulse well to the fact that the crypto bubble is inflating and in general slide go and do it, but from my point of view you have to make a choice yourself and, accordingly, this choice, regardless of who says what to implement and use it, and so here is another interesting moment news about China kids game and time here the same store ios, that is, it turns out, as it were, in China they introduce how many hours a week a child can play on a computer, but I don’t presume to judge how useful or harmful it is, the modern reality is that children are actually captured by computers and gadgets from birth, and therefore here I am it seems, well, let's just say this is a rather controversial moment and, well, from my point of view, to tell people what to do, and even less so the joy of children, but from my objective point of view, these are extremely inappropriate measures, but again such situations put pressure on the market where there are restrictions, where something constantly starts, let's say, some kind of prohibitions creep out of the cracks, some kind of braces there something else, this leads to the fact that the market starts to shrink and sink, but here too the question is not the same, let's say so unequivocally that they decided there to regulate it, they decided to regulate something about what they feel that it’s about now shrink and crumble and based on this they understand that something needs to be started to regulate because when the tornado starts then it will be very difficult to do all this, so notes then there are still some problems with the manufacturer of electric vehicles who threatened to plug this so-called electric unit into the belt the long-known company legrand, which is permanently in default, is there to save it in every way as soon as gut, but again this situation, it just shows that the extensive path of development, when quantitative characteristics are pumped, it still sooner or later leads to a point when it is no longer possible to pump them up and everything starts to stagnate and, accordingly, a landslide is already nearby in reality the world it is always periodically a crisis and causes because contradictions are accumulating inconsistencies you just need to understand that the American system, the so-called Anglo-Saxon Protestant, you call it capitalism, just more flexible and more tenacious, this is due to the fact that there the amount of dog it is reduced to a minimum to a minimum and, accordingly, they rely more on a causal relationship, but accordingly, where there are many dogmas, where there is an extensive path of development, such systems are not less tenacious and they develop their resource much faster so friends and of course the new Orleans is there that something terrible happens to these t Ornado with hurricanes, well, there is no good without good, new Orleans suffers from oil, it feels good enough, but unfortunately in the world, so many things are built for someone badly, so-and-so good cu. so friends, let's look at the charts now, let's probably start with a rocket. I just made a post the other day about the movement that keeping the levels of children 99 will lead

it to 120, respectively 120, almost make 119 a penny there, well, now it's evening there you helped liquidity not traded or not much liquidity let's look tomorrow morning to think about why the situation is mono at first tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will lead to growth potential remains there just need to look in detail to understand what transactions took place and what this indicates so friends let's move on to see baltic dry continues to move upward here we are with such a rate of movement it is very likely that by October November the mind will be dangling jam five five and a half thousand that then it will be with the costs of transporting goods even scary to assume so friends further snp 500 day timeframe this is the middle of the futures look here he is just like a locomotive like a rocket flies at all his nothing stops the wrong sales data m not completed there is some kind of tornado there it just goes and everything to the right you look here until September 18 as Winnie the Pooh said there you are completely free until the evening until September 18 here most likely this growth or consolidation will continue until there if you look at hundreds, then speculators no longer seem to bet so cheerfully on the continuation of growth and Santa, but nevertheless here, judging by the fact that the printing press is working, they have designated the dates when they can start to cut liquidity, this is the end of the year, respectively, until this moment, as an option, we must try to squeeze out everything from this old a typewriter that is still traveling so friends, but here the movement upward or consolidation until September 18 , I think if no black swans fly by, then it should be full of measured roses with periodic small collectible glasses from and there protargol glasses and upward movement, but the Kuzma of September should ripen something- then even we have more, but again, I don't have such a dogmatic approach that everything is like we are there 15 00 18 September brya there we all put on parachutes and jump from the cornfield, it may well be that even such a landing will not happen that I will save the whole thing for some more distant case, so my friends gave Vicks muse Vixon now the order has shrunk and, accordingly, until the middle of September, it is by logic things should not bother us so friends further the dollar index but here the situation is somewhat uncertain because in order for the weakening of the dollar to develop, a breakdown of the level of 92 and 592 56 must occur here if there is no such breakdown, it consolidates here, so friends on gold from irgi to gold let's have a Russian feature or something like this, well, here's the Russian futures daily timeframe, see here there, plus or minus there the dollar share of the dollar, the situation for similar ones there may be slightly different candle shapes because the time interval of trading is not really important now gold it is locked and, accordingly, the lower border is 1806 and the upper border is n goes in the range of 1818 to 1820 in order for the growth to continue , it must consolidate to keep 1870 branches, we will have a systematic growth, first, breaking through the 1820 consolidation and then from here the chick-chick-chick movement first in 1836 and then there should be a movement in which the target will take it 1900 about 1900 this week is not sure yet, but for this there are certain prerequisites, we have the key first half of the week withholding 1806 if it is a wife this is good business and this means that we will have a continuation of the golden banquet so friends this futures on the RTS index in the morning video I goals everything is indicated everything showed told now I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that we have to break through this value and break through this value and break through with volume either today or tomorrow in the morning if there is no such breakdown, then we will first have a corrective rollback to 166 500 and then move right here, at 165 350 to this value, but in fact with this disgrace with which what happens in the sump is there must be it from that is. then grab the ears and drag it up so friends further oil brent let's take them for an hour at once for oil we have a lateral but nevertheless this lateral after low tide is completely redeemed well, the hurricane season has come, I drew your attention earlier that the hurricane season can be very significant this year help to provide prices on it, in fact, at the moment, this is exactly what happened why I think so, see here the situation is developing in this way according to the theory of catastrophes when everything goes absolutely unbalanced, respectively, if the droughts have already begun to look like the droughts have begun with them instability with the climate, then they are just a hurricane had to get out in August or September and show their strength, but here it's just the dialectic of development, it is such that when the process begins to proceed and thus constantly some new card it crawls out of the sleeve so friends look head hunter of course there is no liquidity on the Moscow site ice to you 80 million or 60 but here the situation is very interesting poto because he bounced off the level, respectively , we have 4100, respectively, here, taking into account the volume that came out here, he is supposed to if it is broken and 3900, respectively, from here to go here here at 3600 3650 it is possible to continue the upward movement, but for this it is necessary on the volume so that the breakout occurs confidently 4100 if this happens then it can be pulled out of here by 5000, taking into account how everything soars into the air in general, but from my point of view, now a more justified scenario is a rebound from this level and its rollback because the liquidity of the paper, at least in Russia, is small, respectively it is necessary to recruit it to recruit to recruit to distribute uses distributed accordingly it is necessary to lower and recruit so friends then the question was of the subscriber about a m d m d the week began quite briskly if we focus on the weekly timeframe, let's look now in more detail about the shorter timeframe and so well, here's a girl with us indicates that in the near future it is very likely that there will be movement whose goal is to rewrite this maximum in order for this condition to be fulfilled, it is necessary to hold the level that five and a half if this level is held here, it does not break through, then this week it is very likely that we will see a movement whose goal is to rewrite the maximum until here now such a terrible is drawn формация которая может привести к тому что пойдет вниз но удержание сто пять с половиной придет тому что его выкупят его будет продолжать пытаться вырасти и сходить наверх так друзья дали рубль-доллар давайте сейчас на вечерке мы посмотрим фишечку сентябрьский фьючерс но это текущий фьючерс который здесь свадьба воедино ну и переходя на четырех часовой таймфрейм здесь хочу обратить внимание что действительно текущая ситуация рубль как бы находится в неком коматозном состоянии потому что весь потенциал и укрепления который соответствует текущим ценам на нефть он не выбрал то есть по идее при такой цене на нефть ему двигаться ну как минимум на 7 10 68 соотв етственно такое движение на укрепление рубля но не происходит неспроста при том что вышел просто отличный торговый баланс за ее в месяц 10 или 12 августа вот соответственно это все говорит о том что есть какие-то стоп-факторы которые не дадут рублю укрепляться на текущий момент я думаю что вот эта линия волшебная 73 тысячи пятьсот семьдесят две тысячи пятьсот пятьдесят по фьючерсу все текущему здесь скорее всего ибо его будут тормозить выкупать и соответственно пытаться разворачивать и отбивать вот в этот диапазон здесь дело не в том что я там свято верю в доллар хотя с моей точки зрения доллара это наиболее устойчивую валюту на текущий момент и всех остальных даже в том числе дни скрипт и здесь ситуация в другом вот исходя из этого движения потоки капитала с моей точки зрения таковы что рублю просто не дадут укрепляться и буквально каждая его попытку крепится она прямо в какие-то штуки дикие воспринимается ну и здесь вполне понятно потому что как ни крути все готовятся к кризису запас ается валютой консервами и так далее вот и все ждут чего-то плохого соответственно в такой ситуации ну сложно рублю дать возможность укрепиться и потом еще такой момент сейчас же идет активно перестроение мировой экономики в части того какие товары услугу и услуги будут выпускаться соответственно те страны которые быстрее и конкурентные переслать а перри оснастят у них будет и наиболее устойчивой экономикой и наиболее устойчивая валюта соответственно там где такие процессы не протекает надлежащей скоростью мы имеем вот подобную ситуацию так друзья но вот переходя на час aeg можно сказать что мы отпадали либо от текущего значения либо значения 73 550 здесь будет отбой и движение с целью потряси 73 900 вот сюда вот это значение если все-таки здесь ему дадут возможность укрепиться и он пробьет 73 550 в этой ситуации уже по фьючерсу будет движение более глубокое и соответственно цель этого движения будет находиться в районе 72 900 тогда можно будет действительно сказать что что-то пошло со всем по-другому исходя из этого другого немножко отредактировать стратегию и тактику так друзья но это в общем то все основные новости основные торговые инструменты спасибо за внимание успешных торгов всего наилучшего

2021-09-01 04:03

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