Cory Levy: "Dear Old People: Meet Today's Teenager" | Talks at Google

Cory Levy:

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So. I will be talking about teams today thanks. For coming over. The. Last month we've watched hundreds, of thousands of teenagers organize, and participate, in massive, rallies, across the country they've, done this in the face of both pain, and serious frustration, that, adults have utterly failed them on something very very basic, that's, keeping school safe. Adults. Who have been unable to achieve common-sense, gun. Control following mass shooting after mass shooting, are now placing their hands in this younger generation, but. Isn't this like the same generation, that, made Tide, Pods eating. Tide Pods a, viral, sensation, in recent, weeks like. How much do you really understand. Today's young people and how much do you even care for most. Old people the, answer is very little, they don't care but you should, care like the, this is the generation that will create massive change, in the world over the next 50 years and for, us to be able to like teach and influence. Them as they, begin to make those changes it's. Super important that we understand, them. So. If, you allow allow me to be your guide I'd, like to tell you a little bit about today's teenager, but, first a little bit about me my name is Cory levy I'm in my mid-20s, and although. I'll, be using the word we while I present this information teams. Consider me a little old. So. I've worked like years to stay on top of this generation as Jessie mentioned I started, a company called after school while I was a teenager while. I was 19, after. School is one of the largest teenage, social networks in the world in the u.s. millions, of users who. Are currently in high school I'm also on the board of, which. Is a non-profit, a digital platform powering. Social change for nearly, 6 million young people and. Today, I'm gonna help you understand this generation a bit, better so, over. The last few weeks I've been interviewing teenagers, and with, the help from teams across the country I've made a list of 10, things that you you, probably don't understand. Today. About about, teenagers. So. We'll get started the first point is we're, heavily addicted. To our phones, but. We, don't know our phone numbers which, you know the first part you probably already know the second part was, was a little surprising to me, and. How is this possible obviously you know like teams grew up. With. With iPhones, and androids with smartphones there they're more reliant on them then than, ever before, but. Teenagers. They care more about like usernames, what's. Their snapchat, name what's their Instagram, handle they, don't really care about phone numbers when they meet new people for the first time they're. Exchanging these handles not like hey what's your number it's like a you. Know add me on snapchat or, follow. Me on Instagram, they don't use iMessage. Or SMS, because, mom and dad can can, can, have access to that they're there texting on snapchat and and. And and Instagram, to him and they've, probably never. Never. Used this thing the. Way it was invented which. Was that, probably never never. Used. The actual phone, they've, never used an alarm clock. They. Just use you use their phone for that and doorbells. They're, like what's that they're totally unnecessary. And. Here's, how like two teenagers, that I interviewed, kind. Of described their connections, to their phone teenagers.

Are Digital natives they don't live in a mobile friendly world they're, a mobile. Only generation. Another. Person, who's a senior in high school said parents, just, don't understand why we move from thing to thing so quickly it's, not that we have a short attention span as our, generations, ability to filter through information more quickly because. We just get bombarded, with it so much. This. Is point. Number two Facebook. Is lame. We love streaks. Teams. Think Facebook, is for their grandparents. It's. Old clunky. And invasive and in fact it's one of the reasons that that we that, we developed our app after, school, which, helps teams connect and share with, other students at their high school, millions. Of users we, have like a matching, feature that's connected over that's, been used over a billion, times with a B. We. Just like released a compliment feature and in the last 24 hours like hundreds of thousands of teenagers have have, liked complimented each other with and. What. We've seen it with, with after-school is that teens use us because we're like a teen only social network to, you. Know come. To use. The product to, to. Post things that like they wouldn't post on Facebook, or Twitter or, Instagram because. There is an anonymous feature, to it we. Also connect, teenagers, with crisis. Text line when they are in need need of help crisis. Text line is a teen, hotline that you can text seven four one seven four one and. Instead. Of like calling a hotline you can text with a trained crisis counselor we've connected over a hundred thousand teenagers to, crisis text line via, via. Our app but. But probably one of the most popular. Ways that teens, communicate. Is his snaps, raise your hand if you know what a streak is. About. Half the audience. Teens. Are like obsessed, with snap streaks, and, a little bit of what a snap streak is when, you send direct snaps back and forth for. Consecutive days so with me and you snap to each other today tomorrow and the next day we, would have had a three. Day snap streak, and the longer you go without breaking the chain the, longer your, community, the longer your streak is and, teenagers. Say I have like streaks, that that have lasted not. Just weeks or months but years. Snap. Rewards, these longer streets like special emojis so to get a hundred streak. You get like the little hundred emoji or. Like a mountain emoji, for like an extremely extremely. A long. Streak, and there's there's nothing more devastating, to a teenager than like losing that streak when, they go off to camp for like a week or a month they'll, give their snap password, to a friend just. So they can they, can keep their their streaks, going. Here's. How a sixteen, year old from Brooklyn. Put. It, streaks. Are a big part of social acceptance, having, more streaks makes, you feel way. More popular. He. Added I think streaks, our way of showing how many people you talk to it's, like a score, if you see your friends have a lot of streaks you're like whoa that, guy or girl knows a lot of people it shows their social status to see how many streaks they have, so. Snap, streaks is something that was incredibly popular amongst. Teenagers and teens all so also. Love love, love Instagram Instagram live. Is particularly, popular this. Allows them to connect with their with their followers like in in and their audience in real-time and, another. Like important. Trend that's popped up is something, called a fence to raise, your hand if you've heard of a fenced uh one / two people in the audience a fence. Does stands for a fake Instagram, so, teenagers, will have, two. Instagrams set up one is their main Instagram, and that's. Where their parents their siblings their, cousins, their friends, will follow them and and. Then they have a second Instagram called a insta which stands for fake Instagram, and that's where they just. Have their like top you know friends. No parents, no teachers, no cousins, that. Follow. Them and. Yeah. 17, year old student I talked youdescribe defense so she was on my fence that's the good the bad and ugly it's the more multifaceted, version, of me and, you know many teams are aware that like potential employers, and colleges, will. Have access to their their, main Instagram, so they create a create, the second Instagram. Called a fence to keep you know some of the information private. A, six, year old I interviewed said people. In my IG are always doing Instagram lives usually, for attention, something, I do unconsciously. Is pull, out snapchat. Anytime, anything. Interesting, is happening especially. Around New York City a majority. Of my videos on my phone are in Staten memories any time I take a video it's a snap for sure just, because it's easy to share so, teens today aren't using like the default, camera on their phones they aren't using the default.

Apple Or Google camera, where they want to take a photo they're going to snapchat taking. A photo and then saving, it and then debating, whether or not to send it out which. Was which was surprising to me. Point. Number three were modern-day, Shakespeare's, so teenagers are creating like you know new language every single day and. You know we usually start copying them. Eventually. So I want to share like some examples, of what teams are saying today amo, SC is an acronym the, kids are using to basically. Just means add me on snapchat, bad. Means good. Surprising, bra, means bro, cringe. Is when something is like gross or awkward or uncomfortable. I'm curved, or swerve sometimes, is is to reject someone. Don't. At me use like don't call me out or don't disagree with me finna. Is like I'm fixing, to or gonna, then. So which I just described as a fake Instagram. Goat. Acronym. That stands for greatest, of all time Gucci. Not, the brand it means good, I'm. A weak or dead is like that's so funny that's hilarious, kms. Is like the new FML. Savage, is is you, know bold or strong. Low-key. If you want to say something low-key it's like secretive, and. High key that means it's not secretive and it's something that everyone should know. Plug. Someone, that can provide them with something shipped, it's not like shipping a product but more like a relationship, like Alex, and Sarah should be shipped off together it means they should be in a relationship. Straight, fire is like good or trendy. To. Describe your friend, group they're using both squad, and fam, and. To. Be bitter is salty. Straight. Fires like that's that's also another another term they used for good or trendy, and then suss is. A term they're using for something that's like suspicious, so. You. Know you might hear a news, reporter, in a few months saying like what Facebook, did was so suss that's. A little little example, so. This won't be on the midterm but you. Should. Definitely. Know what. Teams are the, words that they are saying but but you know like team teams, are moving. Beyond, words. They've. Made popular an array of like new communication, techniques. Emojis. Memes, gifts, to express their emotions quickly. If. You look at any team's text, conversation, you'll immediately notice the difference, with, adult text teams use like tons of emojis, gifts. Memes, and. This. This this makes like complete sense they're used to like a flood of information I'm, gonna have B have become like really really good at processing quickly and conveying ideas quickly and, it's much more efficient for them to use like an emoji. Or a gift and like four or ten words to. Describe what, they what they want to community what they want to communicate. Teens, they don't get why why. You are so closed closed minded teens. Think that adults are closed-minded, when it comes to things like same-sex. Marriage different, sexual orientation, mixed, race dating, and, this makes sense we consider they're part of the like the most racially, diverse. Generation. In America. 48%. Of them are non-white, 81%. Of them have different have. Friends that are that are there that are a different race and, 35%. Of them have dated a different. Race as well one, one team put it most kids like myself and, especially ones in urban environments, care about the rights of themselves, but, also people that don't look like them or share similar attributes and that's the reason why we we actually go out and protest at City Hall because, it's hard for adults who are stuck in their ways to. See when change is necessary. This. One may. Or may not be surprising to you but gamers, are heroes, not. Geeks. Teams. Still, love like they're movie stars musicians. Athletes etc. But but who can be a celebrity has changed, quite. Some time they. Idolize vloggers, like Jake Paul who, has nearly 15, million YouTube subscribers, whose. Videos are, being viewed billions, of times a month I was, lucky, enough to be. One of his first investors, in his management company when, he was 17 years old a, fellow, entrepreneurs, like Elon Musk and Gary Vaynerchuk and, Peter, teal and and and Mark Cuban and Tim Cook and perhaps, like. The most interesting thing, they've. Made eSports figures their heroes. ESports. Stadiums, are being built across the country, and Vegas. And Houston, and Dallas. And. You. Know pro video game players have these massive followings, like major corporate. Sponsorships, and they compete in these huge arenas, and, make way more money than like regular regular, athletes, there's, a 26, year old name ninja, i'ma raise your hand if you've heard of ninja, to. People as, heard of ninja he's he's the most popular gamer, on Twitch. And. Earns more than half a million dollars a month. Just. By playing video games. Fortnight. Is a massive, game it's super, popular amongst teenagers, ninja.

Just Played fortnight, in front of, 600,000. People viewing it at the same time Drake. The. Rapper came, on and played with him. Juju, Smith Schuster Steelers. Wide. Receiver came, on and played with him this. Is something that is that is that is just at the very very beginning and continuing, to to, blow up one, team put it well athletes, and movie stars are still famous the, ionization of entrepreneurs, like Gary, and. YouTube vloggers and influencers, has completely, changed the perception, the. Fact that an entrepreneur came. Out with a with a shoe and sold. It out to kids and seconds. Is unreal, high, schoolers are paying more and more attention to eSports, and so, is the world for example fortnight. Or ninja the best player in the world played with Drake juju, Smith Shuster and then a rapper Travis Scott as I mentioned earlier had over 600,000. People viewing it, at. The same time, fashion. Is still really big amongst, today's, young people street. Wear, reign, supreme team. Today differentiate, themselves in many ways and when it comes to fashion, teens, increasingly, choose like street wear brands like supreme, and. Vans over mainstream, brands like like, Nike, shoe. Cream has this like particular, kind of outsider, appeal, for, teenagers even though you know the brand launched in 1994. In New York City as I as a skateboarding, and clothing company, it, caters to the skate and hip-hop cultures, but, and to just youth cultures, in general and, it's become an absolute, obsession for. Teenagers. When. Teens hear about kind. Of a new shoe. Or. Product, launch on reddit or other social media hundreds. Of teens will line up in New York to. Get their hands on the product before it sells out and a, lot of teens are entrepreneurs, they'll buy, it and then immediately flip, it for. Extreme. Markups, and and big finance is starting to pay pay attention to this the Carlyle Group invested. In supreme, and valued the company at over, over, a billion dollars. We. Have no interest, in working at big companies so. Most, teams have very. Little working very, little interest in working for. Major corporations, even you know tech ones like like Amazon, and Facebook they they've seen their parents and older siblings, kind of struggle, in the workforce and, become you know unhappy, despite these high-paying jobs. Teams. Today are more entrepreneurial, than, older, generations and have like less patience, for bureaucratic. Work environments, and, crave more independence. 72%. Of them said. They wanted to start a business one day which. Is pretty pretty fascinating. Number. 9 you've, left us with a big mess, to clean up teens have grown up watching your, reports, of a broken political system, devastating. Climate change mass, shootings at schools homegrown. Terrorism, and ongoing war it's no surprise that like 68 percent of there of this generation, feel, the u.s. is headed in the wrong direction and, 44. Percent are worried about the way that things are going this, was more than any other generation. Interviewed. And, you. Know lastly, teens, think that will have a bigger, impact than, you, think it's. Easy for adults to think that teens, today are pretty reckless, much. Of what we read or hear in the, media focuses, on the on the negatives like. Teens trying to pull off crazy stunts on YouTube which I'm sure you, have seen or, teens infatuation. With the Jule raise your hand if you've heard of the Joule. One. Person, who can the. Joule is a sleepy. Cigarette, that can be like used indoors, without attracting attention. And. Don't get me wrong like the massive. Popularity of this Joule, of e-cigarettes, is something that that we, should be concerned about but. The. Joule is something that is massively. Popular amongst, amongst, teenagers, but.

But These types of behaviors are really not much different than you, know the kind, of what we were like in Prior generations and. And one, team described, it as they're just like the generations, before them, teams will always want to rebel against the norm, we're, not worse it's just that you see it more because everything is being recorded. So, focusing. On these these these negatives, makes us lose sight of the bigger picture what. Thousands, of hours of kind, of observing, teams have shown me what mini studies show is that today's teams, they, have a strong, work ethic, and balance, forward-thinking with kind of old-school traditional values, so. When adults think about this new generation we should be open-minded, teams, are. Multifaceted. And. You. Know it's gonna it's gonna gonna take some time for us to like stick with a name for this next generation but, when I asked teenagers, like tell me if you could name your generation, what, would you name it here were some of the responses, that I got you know the viral generation, the founders, high generation. Digital. Natives Jin Mobile Generation Next the connected, generation. Etc. So these were some of the names, these. Are some of the names that I got when I when I asked a bunch of teenagers you know how would you if. You could name it what your, generation what would it be but regardless. Of what they're called I. Think, one, thing is really clear and that is that we shouldn't underestimate. Today's. Teenagers, like. Yes you know they use phones in different ways that that we probably would have never imagined, they idolize these eSport stars that we've never heard of and they can be pretty quirky but but they're already showing us that they're gonna step up and tackle like major challenges, in ways that. That other generations. Haven't. Last, weekend's, like March for our lives was. One example that was organized, by teenagers, it, brought over eight hundred thousand. People, to. Washington DC and countless more, to. Hundreds of sister marches across the country this is more than the. Inaugural women's March the the the. Million, Man March and, and you. Know didn't what. Else the march on. Washington. For Jobs and, Freedom. 800,000. Was the biggest, March ever. And, you. Know today's teams they've they, had energy they had passion and they, have a no-nonsense attitude, about fixing the problems, that that they've that they've inherited and, if what they've accomplished, in that in the last month is any.

Kind, Of indication we. Old people are in pretty good hands. So, thank you for listening to these these, 10 points hopefully, you learned, a little something today, and in the 20, or 30 minutes of time that I had and. I'm happy to answer, any questions that you have on today's, generation, of teenagers. So. I know that online bullying is a is, a kind. Of uniquely bad, problem, for this generation and I was kind of curious, what. Your social network is doing to mitigate. That problem yeah, so online, bullying is a very. Very serious problem for, pretty. Much any big social network, one, of the things that we do is, proactive. Moderation, so, most, social networks do reactive, moderation, when, they when, someone posts a message to, Twitter or to Facebook it, gets seen by everyone if it is a negative. Message that may get taken. Down after the fact with. After-school we do proactive, moderation, so when someone writes a message. It has to get seen by moderation, in order, for it to get seen by others so. That's that's you know one of the steps that that. We take, and. After school and we hope that other social, networks will follow just, increase moderation, and. Yeah. What's. Up in the back right so streaks. Definitely. Seems like a pretty ingenious, gamification. Yeah - encouraged more usage and so forth any. Other examples, of those sorts of gamification elements, whether. In, your social network or others that you've seen yeah, so and, other social, networks you know obviously likes is is, something that teams, care a lot about one, of the things that I've noticed is that when, a teenager posts up the on the Instagram they will wait for like 5 or 10 minutes and if it doesn't get some threshold, number of likes, they'll delete the post, so. Likes. Is something that is, incredibly. Important. To them. And. You, know snap streaks is probably the. The best. Example, of gamification, that I've seen over. The last you know several years, of following this generation, if. Snap didn't have snap streaks I mean, I think teams, would, use it way way way less and best, friends they have another thing called, best, friends I don't know if y'all know what snap best friends are but. If. You snap someone a bunch they'll. Have a little emoji next. Next. To that person's name and each emoji, may mean that yell, or each best friends with each other or one of you is best if it's a wink it's one of you as best friends with the other person with the other person's and that best friends with you Snap. Is probably done the, best job of, gamification. And those are those are two examples of that Thanks. Are, you mental that 70% of teens, won't have their, own business yeah. I wonder if this may, be related what. Do they think of colleges.

College Debt and non-traditional dictation things do they also think differently, than I did in the past I'm sorry you speak but. What so that I had recently that so many people have college debt that is basically there's a prognosis. That of people who are freshmen this year for, the person who default on student very so, I wonder if stories also have some very interesting ideas of, like how, to not. End up being in debt and maybe do something different for a college education yeah, so I think. Most. Teens are, still following that traditional, path of going, to high school graduating. Going to college and currying this debt, and. Then quickly realizing, when they graduate, that they weren't trained properly to, enter you know the. Workforce so I don't think we're there yet I. Hope. One day that that, we do get there where teens realize that you, know it's paying $200,000. Over the course of four years for, you, know random, X degree, may, not you, know mean, that they're gonna get a high paying job to pay that off so, I think your. Teens are so, they. Care so much about themselves. And their friends that they they, don't really know much about. You know what, that means what, college means to and, what going in debt means so, yeah. Not. Yet. Do. You think is a big difference between our high, schoolers and middle schoolers of the they use social media in a similar way today so high scores middle schooler is completely, different. You. Know some parents don't let their middle schoolers you, know get, get Instagram, or snapchat until, they reach a certain age some. Of the the, middle schoolers like they're using musically. They're. Starting their own slime, businesses, on Instagram or they make slime and sell it. Middle. Schoolers are I've seen like a bunch of entrepreneurial, characteristics. But. I don't don't, know them super well but but, but. Yeah I do see pretty big differences from middle school high school and college, in terms of network. Use I have heard, about the detachment. From tech overall is the new, trend would you say that it's not a trend for teenagers but for older generation a. Detachment. From technology Oh detachment, from technology, so I, think teens, are they're very self, aware that they're addicted, to their phones. They, they you know if you go go. To a high, school and watch people during lunch you know like everyone will be like this. Yesterday. Was, with a group of 80 teenagers, and we were looking at their snap scores, snap, score means you, know when I send one snap message I get that point when I received snap message I get to point a you know an additional point one, teenager and this was like kind of like the average had over, 600,000. Points, which. Means the. Average was like she, had her snapchat for a year, or two or three or whatever it was she was sending 14 snaps an hour 24, hours a day so. I think teens are very self-aware that that. You. Know that, they're addicted, to their phones but, they don't really care right there I think when you when you go to college. That's. Maybe when you start to figure out you know how do I manage, my time differently, and how can I be more. Productive. But today's, teenagers are. Pretty. Much like, this all of the time. What. Do you think teenagers perception, of VR is today, like teenagers, perception, of VR I think some of the like, you know the longer, tail of, teenagers. Are super, interested, in it. And. I think they'll. Be like the early adopters, to the, technology, but, you know the devices are expensive, so um it's kind of tough for them to get their hands on it but. But, yeah I think, younger. Generation, should really set those trends, and I think. The. Our will will be really big, I, think. There's a question, to, the right of you I. Wanted. To know more about the after-school app and how, you think you want over there trust to post, things like you showed us yeah, also, like how you couldn't, been send that it's worth their time to, spend on that yeah so the first question on how we kind of went. Over there trust I think we. Built a product for teenagers. Most. People don't do that most people just build a product for everyone. And. So our product was built like, just for them so.

So They know when they like download the app that there's a. Verification. Process they. Need to get past a few number of things and prove that they're their teenager and that they attend that high school so there's a level of safety. That they feel like when I'm joining this network I had to jump through all these hoops so like prove I was a student. And. So, I think they like that you know one, high schooler was, telling me that they posted, some photo on Facebook. And it was like to impress a girl, and the, grandmother commented, like oh my god you're so cute and I was like the last time he, used Facebook. So. I think people teenagers. Are attracted, to after, school because it's just for them and they're no grandparents, or no you know teachers on the platform, and. It's a place where they can just feel, comfortable, yeah. Yeah. The other question, is like how did you convince him it's worth their time like, they have a bunch of other stuff going on in high school yeah, that's, a great question how do we convince them that it's worth their time I don't have like a. Perfect. Answer, to that question, like our apps grown kind of 100%, through word-of-mouth I think there's there's probably like a really big demand, needed, for teenagers to be in this place where just them and their friends we, all had that at least I had that when I was growing up I had Facebook to go to and when. I was in high school and there, were no you. Know there were no teachers or parents on Facebook, it was just me and my high school buddies so. I think there's there's a big demand to create a space or just them, and their friends. And. You, know snapchat. Kind of helps a little bit with that although parents are joining. Snap a, lot, right now but um but yeah so I think just just creating space for them yeah, I just had another question did they say anything about when they think like snapchats, gonna die out or Instagram, is gonna yeah. So I think I think. There's this, you. Know this kind of the circle that we see where you know Facebook they started, with the college audience their audience kind of grew up. And. Then they started to build for like a wider audience and then they neglected, their original audience and it collected you know young people as. They wanted to just gain more users and get bigger numbers for for, you know investors, and and their business. So. I think we're starting to see a little bit of that right now with Instagram, and snapchat or, their parents, and their grandparents, are starting, to join those platforms that, will drive the team's out to something different. A team's. Response, to Instagram, was well great if my grandparents, and parents are on this I'm just gonna create this second Instagram that they're not going to know about, with. Snapchat it's a little bit harder to do. But. With. Snaps new update, if, you all are familiar with that that's, like lower. The engagement, I imagine massively, amongst teenagers and the ones that I talked to are like yeah with the new update like I don't use discover anymore I don't know they're on it less so I'm not sure that was the the best update for snapchat, with, respect to teenagers, so. How do you prevent. Parents, or grandparents. To come to an after school yeah, so how do we prevent the old people from from, infiltrating our network, basically, it's a verification process so, when. You log into the app you show us your like school ID or. Verify, in a, certain way and that's. Similar to how you know facebook when they started you had to verify with your dot edu address. To. Prove that you're a college student we do we do things similar so. Compared. With these so I feel that Google is so old. Do any of your how. Many, you know usage of your audience, actually use Google how, many actually, used Google well they, they love Google because it helps them with their homework. But. But, yeah I'm you. Know it's the default you know web, browser, for. Them so I think they're using it from you know just probably how or. At least how I used it in high school is just like I want. To know anything to. Go to Google help with my homework. And. It's probably I would imagine what they'd attribute, Google, to most just like the thing, that helps you with my homework. What's. The one thing that you believe about teens, and nobody else believes, nobody. Else believes, well I think teenagers. I, think. Adults, think teens are rebels and, I think that that, they're. You. Know too, addicted, to their phones they're. Gonna mess, up the whole you know they're going to mess up the whole next, generation, and, I disagree with that I think that that. You, know, today's teenagers are more capable than ever to like make change and and. We're seeing like examples, of that with this you know March for our lives. Demonstration. Just. To say that like a few teenagers plan this massive, rally, you.

Would Have never thought that was possible five, years ago were 10 years ago but with social media with. Twitter with, Facebook with Instagram et cetera you're able to you. Know one kid in a school is able to make this is this massive change so, I think this is like the first really, big example, of this but we're gonna see so much more of this in. The days weeks and in. Years, to come so, and. I imagine if you interviewed a bunch of old people they'd be like now there definitely, not but that's. One, thing I disagree, with I was. Wondering if you could speak, more to like the. Method of collecting this information and, if you have any tips of like that. You've learned from. Methods. That worked well versus, others that might, have been misleading if you can to collect this information about, teenagers yes, yeah so so that's that's a great question. You. Know. Teenagers have different, personas, it's there around their friends it's one one way they act when they're around adults they, act incredibly, different I'm so it's really challenging to kind of get, real. Truth. True. Information. About teenagers, so a couple of ways we do it is one and, we luckily have this this app that millions. Of teenagers are communicating, on so, we're able to like you, know pick up trends, and language that they're using just from you know the posts that they. Write additionally. We have like a bunch of ambassadors, across America, and we. We kind of asked them to help us you know hey text. Us to your friend text these questions, to your friends, you. Know take a screenshot of the. The people you follow the. People you subscribe to on YouTube so we can kind of see like who the who the big vloggers are. So. But. It's but it's really tough you know sometimes we'll get the you. Know adult, answers from teenagers, and they'll be like you know a, capital, letter you know they'll speak they'll speak very formally, and then other times we'll. Get um. You. Know, let's see I think I may be put. Well. I guess I realized most of the things but like the way the kids are replying to me you could tell it was like they're doing this like they're texting one of their friends it's like totally. Incorrect, grammar. Misspellings. Everywhere, and. That's kind of one of the indications like alright this person's being really real versus. If they were typing. Like real professionally, but but, yeah. It's hard it's, really really hard, people, are biased, but. Yeah in short a couple of things that we do is one we use our own platform into we, have a group of teen ambassadors, that will go and ask the questions for us so it's a teenager, talking, to a team not, an old person talking to a team. So, one more question what happens after the graduation to, the after school account for after school it happens after graduation is there kicked out eventually. We'll build a college product but to keep you. Know to. Keep the, network just high schoolers we have to kick them out so we kicked out you know million, plus users. One. Last question. Yep. Yeah, so her question was you. Know she has an eight-year-old daughter that's making, slime and selling it and is, this generation, do I see any ideas from, from teenagers, that are, trying. To make change and you know I see it every day it's it's really cool there's there's, one 18. Year old that I'm working with that's I'm trying to make vegan chicken, nuggets to make you. Know us. All be vegetarians, and trying to be like a team brand and make being. A vegetarian. Cool. And. Yes. That's just one example of, a. Teenager being like this is a real problem and, you. Know he's taking, matters into his own hands and trying, to create the vegan. Version of McDonald's. And. I've. Seen that yeah dozens, of times so it's inspiring. Thank, you all for listening and hopefully you're, a little bit more knowledgeable on today's teenager. You.

2018-06-02 21:45

Show Video


Great briefing on the stuff we adults don't get about today's teens

So, Google fires a guy for writing a doc that describes hard truths about gender difference and at the same time sponsors a sloppy, ageist, american-centric talk. Go to hell...

Yash, use your words.

Luiz Esmiralha Hard truths? Fuck off. That memo is one of the most poorly reasoned piece of shit documents in existence.

respect your elders, levy

How is he allowed to work at Google? He's white!

First thing don't call people over 30 old people, they don't like that. You are very rude and disrespectful to people that have been working a long time and have kept this country running the best they know how. You come across as one of the gimme gimme brats that pouts if they don't get their way on everything. Newsflash not everything is going to go your way in REAL LIFE.

He calls himself old as well in the talk in regards to how teens view him and others

Good luck self serving young fella-do well ( we all hope)

Dear delusional teen, If you want older people to listen more than 30 seconds and take you seriously, learn respect.

Newer version facebook. Let buy something quickly and turn around rip someone off by reselling for double or more. These kids now day are so stupid they're clueless how the real world works!



Gosh this is cringy


Dear Old People? He doesn't know that yet, but teenagers get old, too. What's a teenager to do when he is in his 30s, 40s and beyond? It's all downhill from now?

But I respect teenagers. Do something great to change the world teenagers!

Nice stuff and all but How do you plan to make money with this teen only social network ? I want an answer.

great talk and extreme valuable information for anyone who would like to build services for teens in this space or just wants to understand them better.

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