Why Execution is Everything In the On-Demand Economy (Cloud Next '18)

Why Execution is Everything In the On-Demand Economy (Cloud Next '18)

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And. Good afternoon thank. You for all joining. And. Our with, our wonderful panel, I'm Celeste Grady I am in charge of strategic, technology, partnerships, here at Google, and, I'm honored to be, with. This panelists so first we. Have Andrew Floyd who is the CEO and co-founder of, Reich a SAS based work management platform, that helps teams plan manage, and complete, work at scale so can, you give us a little bit more about how, he got into space and why you're excited about this. The. Way I got in this patient if in. The first place I was around in my previous company and, so a lot of inefficiencies and, I want to make sure we move. As fast as possible and what gets me excited is, I see. A. Huge. Momentum right now in the market in the way companies to change in the, way they work and, it's. Visible. To some degree in the valley, but. We also, talk to customers worldwide, and, it's, you'd, be amazed how much of that is. Kind. Of driving a lot, of things around the world like in Germany, the. Industry, 4.0, is the big thing in, Japan. They're. Talking. Every. Level from government to companies about the new way to work so I think we, live in very very interesting, time where. There. We, might not notice it because it's incremental every day but there's a huge change going in the work place in the way the businesses are ready, I'd. Also like to introduce you to. Margaux, visitation, who is a vice president principal analyst forester helping, enterprise architecture, professionals. Shift their focus from technology, standardisation, and cost. Reduction, to, true customer, driven technology, capabilities, Margo, talk to us a little bit at how you got into this thank you, well at, Forrester, we look at how. Organizations. Can serve, customer. Obsessed, that can become customer, obsessed companies, and in. Order to become a customer, obsessed, company you really have to be able to have better streams, of communication. And more transparent. Ways of working and a. Couple of years ago my backgrounds, project management, worked for Forester, for about 18 years and was. Always covering project, management, for software technology. And business projects. And what. I saw evolving, over the last couple of years is that as, information.

Workers. Are working. Being, pushed to work faster, and faster they're, using different types of technologies, the average information worker, goes through. 8 or, 9 different applications, all day just, to get their job done and they're. All being tasked with managing projects. But most. Of these information. Workers are not formal, project managers, and the tools that were on the market at the time just, didn't serve their purposes, it, was all focused on the plan, and not, on the way that people work and we. Saw tools like brake and other products. Coming onto the market that. Were really focused on the, human, aspects, of working, more, than the, scheduled, aspects, of working and I found that really exciting. Very. Exciting and I'll, introduce you also to Dan Harris who's, the head of support for Pluralsight an enterprise, technology learning, platform that delivers a unified and and learning experience. For businesses around the globe, thank. You yeah. I handle, the all, of the support for Pluralsight, internal, and external so. Part, of my job role is really happy handling, the operational, excellence which, is technical. Support working with engineering, teams working with the product teams. Working. With marketing. We. Also handle technical, documentation, and. Then we also support, our sales, team and direct. Customers, so, our, team is consistently. Trying to interface with a lot of these other stakeholders, across the business and that's, where we kind of get it into looking. At - leans to really help bring, these tools together bring that communication. Together and just, make it an easier. Experience. For. All the stakeholders involved, which. Has. Been a, really. Valuable experience, and. Just, gets me more excited as, technology. Starting to evolve too. That collaboration, easier. Wonderful. So, I can ask that a few, questions and go ahead and just come in when you'd like to but how. Do you think that a modern workplace has really changed in the past few years and. Did you want to start off with that. One. Thing that, communities. Is fundamental. Is the pace right. The velocity. So I started, in software engineering myself. I remember the. Beginning of my career, we. Try to plan very, very big projects, that, would take us a year two years sometimes three years still, remember gun charts on the walls and, then, I was likely to get early exposure to a gel technologists. Year, 2000, if any, of you remember extreme, programming, kind. Of that. Age kind, of HR manifesto, was just signed and I was really really really excited, I saw huge potential and, and. First, I saw it in the software industry but then I also thought, well, this this has applicability across so, many different areas and. And, it became true oh I've seen the same transformation, going through marketing, which, moved from very very strategic kind, of annual campaigns. TVs, banned to. Something. That's multi-channel, like almost real-time micro-targeting.

A Lot of data a lot of micro program. So I seen, the velocity, really accelerate, and part of that is this whole notion. Of digital transformation which, is kind of a buzzword right but it, does have its, buzzword, because it means so many different things but it's not buzzword, in the sense that it's really happening, so as more and more for more companies. Digital. Work, becomes, the centerpiece, of their competitiveness. The. Benefit, of that is that it's it can move very fast and it, can scale very fast and I think that pace. The. Red jewelry is. One. Of the fundamental, changes. That drive, a lot of kind of behaviors, and tools. In. Virgo your thoughts. There's. A couple of different areas number. One, demographics. Ok, the workplace is, you, know my generation we're, aging out okay and then the people that are coming into the workplace today are used, to consuming. Technology. And working. In different ways it's, no longer cube, farms and nine-to-five, it is working. Where you want when you want it's a gig economy so you're now working with different people than than, just people in your department so, you're working with a broader network of people and I, think that work that demographic, change has really accelerated. Everything. That you just mentioned about the, digital aspects, because it's now not something, that we don't do digital our, lives are becoming digital you. Don't go, to the store to, go buy anything, anymore you go on Amazon and you buy something and you want, Amazon, to tell you what else you need to buy because you didn't think about it so. What are the three things your friends bought oh I think, I need one of those all of those are what changes, the workspace it's, more access, to more information, with. Lower barriers, and. That. Makes people want to work faster, that, makes people want to be more effective, and what. We see now is that the, carrot. For an employee today is very different. You, know when we asked when, we asked employees 10, years ago 15, years ago even as I. Would. Say even as recently as five years ago, financial. Was really the primary indication, for, employee. Satisfaction you, really wanted to work to make the money what, we're seeing today is that employees. Want to be effective, and they want to be productive and it's. Now a challenge, for the workplace and, employers. To, be able to outfit. Their. Employees, with, the, right tools, environments. And processes, to be productive, because people want to feel that sense of accomplishment at, the end of the day. Yeah. And just to add on to that I mean both of those factors are very, true just about the speed of which we can get work done. The other piece is to, the software that we're using is incorporation, collaboration, elements, but actually, having a software, that starts bringing those collaboration.

Elements, Together to cohesive. Solution, is, something, that I've seen started, to develop over the last couple of years that really takes collaboration, to another element another, level. I'm. Gonna go into the point you said a little bit earlier we're, kind of like that the generation. Thing when we heard when we hear the words digital, native a lot, of like, generation, changes in the workforce what. Do you actually see is how it's impacting, technology, in the enterprise today can. You elaborate on that thought a little. Absolutely. I think that it has to be consumer, grade you. Know when you have when. You are using the applications, that you use on your phone to help you do anything from ordering food to you, know buying shoes or which, is my passion, but or. Or you, know anything that you need you want, to do in your personal life that consumer, grade user. Friendliness. Has. To extend into the workplace now you know the it. Used to be that, applications. That, you use to, do. Your day job had to be complex, they, had to be difficult to use and you couldn't get the right information you, needed, out of that application, at the, at the time that you needed it and I think that digital. Native is now making the demands that collaboration. Has to be easy I have. To be able it has to be fast and I, don't want, to spend the majority of my time looking, for something I need, it immediately. Those. Are I would absolutely agree with with, all those points. One. One other thing that I've, noticed. Is. Any. Of you who kind of observed in teenagers, know how much they're they're texting right now that becomes one. Of their dominant. Channels of communication, and we, see some of that in the work space as well where people. Are. Getting better with a synchronous. Collaboration so. Instead. Of it all just be about meetings, they're. Getting more comfortable to share information online. With each other and kind, of to move in this quick, micro, iteration, instead of saying hey let's schedule a meeting and spend an hour in something. Kind. Of then, by. Chunk. Progress. On. The way and then another thing which is more cultural, I think. And. A little bit generational. I guess because it's cultural. People. Find, it easier, again to proactively, share information, right some people you got to teach them to do that and it's not like feature teaching, them the features more culturally. Why, would I do that right versus some. People who are digital natives they're used to proactively. Share. Their personal lives and so it's a little bit easier for them to proactively, kind, of share work information which, in turn makes it easier for others to find, and to collaborate that's. A very good point don't you have anything to add to that. So. How do you think the nature of collaboration, in general has changed I. Think. That the the nature of collaboration. Is is. In, the. The, building. On your point of being more comfortable in sharing information, and, I, think that what we're seeing is the cross-functional, nature of organizations is, really changing you're, not working in siloed, departments, anymore it's not unusual to be working with a, number, of different groups, and to be able to bring together a product or a service so, it's not unusual for development.

To Be working with marketing or, working. With legal to make sure that a product is. Meeting. All regulatory requirements. So the nature of that forces. Collaboration. And I also think the technology, now is at the point where you. Now have the. Ability, to, collaborate. In a way that gives you more purpose, collaboration. Tools have been around for a long time every. Company's invested, in the flavor of the month but, they've never really taken off before because they work elaborate, there were passive, collaboration. Put, it out there put your files in there but you still had, to be working, through. Email, to be able to get your job done and that creates. Fraction you know fractures, in the way that you work with somebody else so, what we're seeing now is that especially when you're looking at something like gee sweet, you've got gee sweets giving you the the. The wheels and the engine to collaborate, seamlessly. But. What's different today in, leveraging, tools like, Reich, and, the collaborative, work management tools is they're, giving you the steering, wheel to bring it together so. You have a container, where everybody sees the work in the context, of the work and they, can work together more effectively, that. I think is what really drives greater productivity, I really. Like that analogy. So. In terms of change. In collaboration, I see three three, things one is. This. Concept. That I have a hidden, work so. Because right now it's so so, easy to kind of text each other and send messages. It's. So, it's also so easy to create work for others and then, we have the report on our work to our bosses and like what have you been doing the last week and you're like I. Don't know I've been working like ten hours a day and it's, still very very hard to report, so I think that that concept, of hidden work is. Is. Really creating a lot of kind of stress and, overworking and we got to find, a good way to uncover. It all like I and, sometimes I look at their message, and it's like hot potato like, it now it's your problem right I texted, you so now now you go go take care of it that never happens. That's. The immediacy of it so that you can actually send it to them right away and you don't have to wait for them to get back to, their desk to look at their email they can see it right away and you can respond, to it right away yeah, and so, that's.

One There other, thing is. When. As. Marga said their work becomes, increasingly. Collaborative and Don said, that as well but. It also creates, a lot of frustrations. When people have to wait for others so. And then, we do, every year a big service, with usually. Thousands of respondents, and us, one. Of the service we asked about the stressors, at work and, one of the biggest one is when. People have to wait for. For others to either get the input into their work or to push the work forward so as. Much as you can automate, that. That workflow you. Can kind. Of remove a lot of frustrations, and also push, it faster, and. Then last but not least I think, automation. Is a very very very hot hot topic here, today. Both. On the vendor side and kind of kind of in general I'm sure a lot of the consultants, downstair. Kind of preach that I've seen also, seen uipath here which you know has a lot of buzz around. Robotic. Process automation so automation. Is, becoming, a big topic, and we see it in reality, Google invests a lot in AI but. Interestingly it also lets. People. Kind of shine in the areas where they're most powerful, which is creativity empathy. Its strategy, so I think, that's that's, the other thing. That drives that collaboration, because the, human part of the work becomes more and more important. Versus, they're kind of robotic parts slowly. Gets more. And more more automated make it more efficient. Yeah. And just to add on the automation, a lot of the challenges of automation is the data that you're working off of so as we're collaborating. More imposing, different systems, together to try to collaborate all, of, a sudden if you can have a collaborative work management, system you, know that ties that together you just get a much more rich data set to, be able to understand where to focus on to. Automate, that's. A good point but. What happens is because it's sticky people, like to use it because the tool works for them you, get richer data and that, makes your reporting, more effective, and then that makes your boss happy and then, that's. What able. To do that's right that's what enables you to drive it further than the organization. So. How many applications does the average worker tend. To use to do their job and what, does that mean for the productivity, for, the stress and just overall satisfaction. As. I said before average, is about eight or nine applications. That you use throughout the course of the day to, do your day job every. Time you look away from the screen that, you're working on you lose three minutes of productivity a, day. So. If you take the three minutes of productivity you lose every time an email comes in or every time you look away from your screen you, know that adds up pretty quickly then, you add to that meetings, that you're in where. The. First 45 minutes of the meetings is spent in review, and only, the last 15 minutes are spent making a decision you've, just lost more productivity, when you boil it down at the end of the day you're lucky if 20% of your time is spent actually. Doing your day job. It. Is a big challenge I run, a company that has almost 700. Employees and so, we. Have a pretty big analytics.

Team That connects. Different systems, together and different data together and and it's still a never-ending battle it. The it's it's it. Is it can, be a huge, enabler. Or it can, also be a big, big drug on. Your business and I. Don't know if any of you saw this interest. In charts. I saw. One for marketing, technology, landscape which had, 5,000. Micro loggers it's almost. Like an art you know you're trying, to figure out whose logo that is like, it's it's a huge landscape, and. It's. It's interesting where every, single one, of those tools promises, you an incremental, improvement, but. In reality unless, you connect them with, through either API, sand data or workflows. Ultimately. It's actually going to be a drag on your, business because again your, menu, you have to manage all of that and somebody has to actually move, the the. Pieces together and. For managers it's additional challenge because now, you, have to manage, the work that sort of leads in multiple, systems and again report on the work that leads in multiple system so I personally. Both, love the proliferation of tools because each, one of them is kind of an expert in their micro, areas, but. It's also very important. To connect. Them one. Positive trend that I'm seeing is their players. Out there like, azúcar or Cara on the simpler and it's. Zapier. That, now allow, even. Business users to connect, different systems, and we see it in our customers, as well so Airbnb. Is a great customer they, they. Connected, us with chief suite with Salesforce, using azúcar, and it was done by a business user he is not within the IG and so which, makes me think that I could make it even even more powerful, so, those. Kind. Of if you have micro tools then you, should also have micro automations, it shouldn't be 2 year IT project, to stitch those systems, together you, should train and enable your business users to be. Able to do that by themselves, and. Part of the reason why and. Again Airbnb, is a great example is because, a lot of those business processes evolve, as companies. Scale their digital operations kind of every quarter there's little improvement. And also better understand, and they might start at, certain point and then 2/4, in they get additional data they're like oh we can actually optimize this process so, if you enable your business, users to, self, provision, some of that stuff and also, self automate, some. Of those tools I think you can unlock, a. Big. Big big potential, across. Across the organization, I. Know. From a Pluralsight supports, perspective, we use over, a dozen tools. On our software's on a daily basis, and. The other thing just so kind of reinforced, but wasn't touched on is even just the training for, those tools because, if your employees don't have the training or, if they're not focused, on one of those aspects, then, information, or what's supposed to be done through that tool drops off which, is a huge concern when you.

When. You're a manager trying, to make sure that everything is getting done so that's. Another tasks, that happens by having additional software, and tools. So. I'll start, off I'll ask you this Margo because I'm sure that um Andrea laughs so we all know collaborations, now table, stakes we're. Seeing a lot worse in a lot in the marketplace, how. Do you do it well and how does G suite fit into the picture. Well. I think that. You. Do it well by making it simple I think if you add too much restriction, to. A process, you. Overcomplicated. Going back to the data and the training piece that you mentioned. Before I. Also think as I said I think G suite gives you the tire's gives, you the engine. Collaborative, work management tools give you the steering wheel to bring it all together so that you see the context. And I think the key, word to keep in mind is context, otherwise, it's noise so, you have to think about how you curate, the information. When. You're setting up and that's where collaborative, work management comes in because G suit is so seamless. And so easy to use you, you, know you need to keep, the, right guard line the right guidelines, and guardrails in place so, that people aren't over overwhelmed. By noise and. Collaborative. Work management tools what they do is they bring the container, that. Creates the context, so you know that if you have something allocated, to you that you have to review, document, or or, a, you. Know or a presentation, that it's. In the context, of a particular set of activities or, a. Project or, even a process, and you. Know that you. Know the context, then of the communication, that you need to be delivering. Yeah. How do you do well for. Me it's just follow a process follow. A process, or a workflow, and as a manager, or employee be, able to understand, where it is or get a status, update and understand, how. Much it's happening, you know having that reporting.

To The execution. Through. A consolidated. System, not, to say that everything, has to be done through one system, but there should be a system that's trying, to tie that together and, then, challenge yourself the things that you're actually reaching out to another software, or information. That you're gathering is, that, something you can automate, and pull into that system, just, so you don't have to do that jump or as many, jumps, to be able to execute, against that task. And. How. Can collaborative work management tools improve productivity across teams so, give me an idea of some of the benefits we've talked a lot about this but it's more specifically, in terms of, engagement, and employee engagement in execution, I, have. A brief one but I know you have a lot to say. I. Can. Tell you an insurance company, that that is a client, of ours, invested, in collaborative work management, and prior. To doing that they looked at they did some surveying of their organization. And what they found is that their. Their. Employees, spent. 33%. Of their week looking. For, information, and email not reading it not, writing, it just looking, for information they. Also found that you. Know there they were holding you. Know multiple, meetings a week where, decisions. Were not necessarily, being made it was more review, than, action decisions. And. What they did is by putting in collaborative, work management in place they were able to reduce email. Time, by. Over, a third, okay. And that meant all types, of email usage not just looking for things it. Also helped them reduce their, meetings, by half and reduced. Their, meeting times from an hour to 30 minutes, it. Also reduced, their executive, meeting time because they could collaborate via, the tool that they were using and come, and make decisions, without having to pull everybody away from the work that they were doing. So. From. Either several. Key benefits, one is. Scalability. So, I think all, that I sort. Of conceptually, look, at all their successful, digital companies, and, in. My opinion what they do is kind of split in two phases first is that creative chaos and, in reality you. In. That case you know you could use our system somebody, else's system or no system at all it's all about test and experimentation, like brilliant ideas brainstorming, you do have to have the foundational, layer which would be g-suit because you gather like, manage create documents, spreadsheets kind. Of build models iterate so and, then once you figure it out the. Beauty of their digital, is that now you got to scale it right and so there, will be a great example they were launching new product called Airbnb. Experiences, their second, product at that time it was only product, number two and. They, used, Gmail. And Google, sheets to do it and it worked quite well when. They created the first 20 but. When you need to orchestrate the, work of 15 different teams you know now you need to go global over 50 different cities you got to have a scalable, playbook, and once you have that playbook you, need to scale it and so that's that's one benefit where you, need to scale something and sort. Of guarantee predictability, guarantee. Quality make. Sure you can plug in the new person or junior person and they'll still be able to kind, of work well and if needed they can plug, their right experts so the, scalability is one a second, related. To that it's just visibility. The whole reason I. Sort. Of created, our tool in the first place is, a. Decade. Ago and I kind of I. Don't. Know if, I'm getting old so rank, it ago it, was actually quite easy to look at any single project and again you can use different tools to plan. It but once you start managing across them there. Is nothing to really help so you would wake up in the morning and pull. Out like 20, different marks of project files or 20 different spreadsheets, which is not not really fun so that. Visibility. Across, different, work is, very very important, when you try to run, a well a well-oiled. Machine and, kind of high-performance organization as a whole not just high-performance. Unit but, high-performance, organization which is very very different like a sports team if you, have a collection of stars it doesn't yet make it a good good team you gotta have a well. Or old, place. And play books and you need them to work well together so that. Visibility. I think is key being able to see. What's going on in almost real-time, being. Able to, plug. In when needed and set. Aside when near it is. Really really really helpful and, I've seen that work across many. Many many customers. Yeah. I agree to both. Margo and Andrew and the other pieces I feel I live in the controlled, chaos space, quite a bit um.

And The. First question whenever, you're trying to collaborate out of that controlled chaos is. How. Many times are you seeing it how many times is this happening, how many times is this coming up being, able to get anything. That you're doing into, a system, to, start getting some, measurement. Some, tangible, measurement, rather than, the. Subjective. Estimate. Is going, to speak much more. Loudly. To. Other stakeholders, across the. Organization. To, be able to then, get. The resource of resources. Or getting. The mindshare to be able to get you. Know reiterate on the solution, of what's happening, or to, be able to address what needs to be addressed so, that's, one area where collaborative, work management is well falls, in is it allows my. Team and myself to. Be able to measure, some. Of that control, the chaos. Quicker. And. Then. Figure out what to go what to do from there. So. You can't no. I I think this is very very very important I I saw that in. Development. Where a lot of people, misunderstood. It and thought that HL is kind of the same as cowboy which is it's, actually the opposite right so at, the end of each sprint you do a retrospective and, you basically become, better every, single, time you, you execute, and so that's. What you get when you have a system. With visibility, in place every, single time you do something you, can get a little bit better think of it like you, know faster, stronger better so. And. This is very important that goes back to this concept of operational, excellence can, we not, just put the playbooks in place but, can we improve, those plays playbooks, every single time we we do them and and, the other thing that it lets. You see is, it, allows you to better see bottlenecks, in your business, in the organization. One. Very very simple observation there, always is bottleneck, that's the definition of it right there's always the slowest part and so if you want to scale, something, it's. An art and a science of being able to find that bottleneck and improvement again as a founder, of a company who, grows.

Exponentially, I kind. Of live in that myself. I'm. Being, gold. On very, very fast growth and part. Of my job is find the different, bottlenecks, and organization, proactively. Before, they, kind of clogged. Down the whole system and and. Be able, to kind of do, incremental improvements. There at the scale so, to follow along with that what, weirdest a is the ideal, like. Workflow. To really look for G suite and collaborative, management to really hone. In on so. For. G suite I'd. Say just, what, is just gonna be there at. Every. Single, one well like it's the foundational. Block. You. Know we you know you gotta have your jeans. And your shirt and I hope so just with right so. No. I think I think it's it's important you got to be able to message you got to be able to create documents, those are messages, and documents, are two important. Modalities, in collaboration. And. For me their work. Is the third very important modality, you. Message, everybody. Or, somebody and, you send them documents. Because you're working on something together so being able to track. That work whatever it is is in a task is that a project is their program is that a workflow, it's. It's always important, now going back to the original question you asked which. Workflows. I. Personally. Look at the ones that are not yet, kind, of a software, category, so for example there is a software category, for us for. For for say. Engineering. Management right and there would be at last gen for example is, the biggest vendor, but there there are many many others and so if you already have that in place, wonderful. Right but, then there are some areas like marketing, where you have big, headcount, huge, budgets, big. Dependency. Of the, business on the success of that team and they, would have no system in place you'll be like. How. Can it be right so so those, are the kind, of your aha moments where you're like we, got to put something in, place if we want to scale if we want to kind of have controlled, growth. For. For. Me you, know when you say where do you start, I I'll. Take a counter, I think and what I understood was spot on but if you're new to this just. Take something that doesn't have a clear owner or something that's going to be very dynamic right, out of the gates because, that flexibility. Just to be able to figure out what doesn't work and what starts. To work and gets the you know makes that process. Or workflow just a little bit incrementally, better is. Going to speed up that timeline, of it. Not having a system at all because, then you're just not getting, that data out you might be not, executing. Against that so. That. What's where, I would even start and then once, you start getting comfortable, or understanding. Even the capabilities. Of the, collaborative. Work management, system, then. You can even take it to broader. Organizations. That's, going to amplify, the, effect, of what's happening just because the amount of collaboration that's, happening, within those organizations. The. Core here is work everybody, works and. From. And everybody, creates. Some. Sort of output from their work even if you are an architect or, you are a you. Know you are working construction, or you are a builder, information. Has to be shared and. The. Elements, of G suite allow you to share that information, and, then. Collaborative. Work management. It's. Great if you have a process but, it's okay if you don't have a process and but. You what you want to do is be able to bring a level of transparency and, visibility. G. Suites all about the creation and then collaborative, work management is about understanding, the. Context. Of the work and when you bring the two together it's, really all about transparency, and visibility I think the thing that's very important, for organizations when they get started is think. About we, we, do this stuff every day even if the process is broken it's still a process, but. If you raise up the level of transparency and. And and, give everybody a common, place to go to. See that information you're, already fixing. The process, so, I think it's really important not to overthink it recognize that okay we've got we've, got the work that we have to do we have the outcomes, that we need to achieve here's. The content, we need to see to help us get there now, let's put the. Right context, around the, information, that's, interesting, so done. It's. Perfect, since I'm at Google and I'm asking this question how, is actually plural site using G suite, yeah. Plural site is using G suite for. You know Gmail and Google Docs and everything's. Really just, fundamentally. Placed in G suite, and. Then, because. Of the visibility it allows and then, you have some other teams that are starting to build in these integrations, that we mentioned, just.

So We're either pulling data out of G suite into other applications so. It doesn't have to be done manually or refer to or, pulling information from, other systems. Into. G suite again just so there's, that extra step or the switch of application, that doesn't need, to happen and. That's primarily where. We're looking at G suite again is a lot of the functional, pieces that G, suite does really really well because collaboration. Is, just a native. Of. The. Applications. It supports, is. Really. Where we're using G, suite and. Then as a learning company why, is it why is continuous, learning so critical, for digital workers. Yeah. So, as Andrew, mentioned and. Actually. We've all mentioned, the. Rate of the, rate of change is happening. Yeah. The rate of change is just increasing, so. With, that rate of change you, have to stay up-to-date on what changes are being had and what, options are available for, you otherwise. You're. Either going. To lose the knowledge that you have at, any point in time if you're not consistently. Learning, to. Be able to stay up with the. Functionality. Of the tools that you're using, otherwise, you're missing opportunities because. These companies, whether it be your own because, you are using. Cloud, services and. Your. Your. Deployment, cycles pretty rapid, or even the software providers, that your company is using is evolving. To the needs of the customer, and. That is. Just. Going to continue, to increase so. Just being able to stay up to date with, all, of those changes, and the tools you need to even, understand, what those changes are, are, critical. Anything. To add to that I. Would. I can, just maybe. Continue, there topic, that I've started earlier, I think we. Right, now their, job, landscape, is changing very very rapidly so. We're. Yet some, some of their, functions. Will go through very rapid, change so think of it it's like uber, you know changing, the taxi landscape pretty quickly almost.

Overnight If you just look at their own kind, of grand scheme of things so, there. Are some jobs that might. Be changed as quickly you know Google is releasing, different AI protocols. For like contact center and things stuff like that so, there. Is a chance that everything will be as it was yesterday and there is a chance that will change, quickly I do think, there automation. In general is extremely, beneficial so think about it, examples from the design perspective there, what. Design was 30 years ago is very, very different from today the work that mostly been done by designers, 30 years ago is completely, automated, today and at the same time we have more designers, than ever and it's, very, hip and interesting, and creative job so I think a, lot, of the professions, will go through the same and I think there will always be. Ever-increasing. Amount. Of interest, in work for people but. Only for those who can change, with, times right and that that's where continuous, learning is important, those who aren't. Able to change much times unfortunately, you, know I'm, gonna be on their not-so-pleasant. Side, of this. And. As. You were kind of mentioning I think the digital worker I think everybody, has a different context, in mind when they say Digital worker and. Really. As we're. Continuing, down this path. There's. A lot more. Roles. That, are going to be a digital worker then we can even probably think of right now so even challenge, the concept, of you, know what is a digital worker because, you. Know I think naturally, we'll think of an engineering, or even product, but it's really stemming, into sales is very, software, based and you, know working together and that information, that they're gathering through the sales cycle needs. To feedback into products, and engineering, teams and marketing teams. So. Just, kind of increasing. Even you, know that concept, of a digital worker and to you. Know. Having. Those areas, yeah those areas, is, is. A needed, change or. Philosophy. Switch for some of those job roles that's. A very good point I'd. Like to open it out to the audience, if there's any questions, for a panel.

2018-08-17 19:10

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Great talk, thank you!

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