Why the world will be wearing more technology in the future | Ep. 144

Why the world will be wearing more technology in the future | Ep. 144

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wearable Computing is not just about having a  fancy Smartwatch as companies begin to deploy   other types of devices that can track our health  or provide us with a lot of information on this   episode of today in Tech we're going to  explore a bunch of the different ways that   we'll be wearing more Tech in the [Music] future  hi everybody Welcome to today in Tech I'm Keith   Shaw joining me on the show today Samir Hadad  he is the chief product and strategy officer   for microedge welcome to the show Samir hey hello  welcome and sorry that's okay don't worry about   it don't worry about it I'm glad to have you on  the show uh can you explain what micro Edge does   just quickly just so that uh people can get  a frame of reference for your your knowledge   in the wearable space sure absolutely so uh so  M crage we are a company that creates and that   that provide a software platform to create smart  objects and especially in the wable segment we   have our own OS that's called Vare and that is  used by manufacturer to build wearable objects   so that's why we are very well into the the wable  market and we know uh we in fact are in contact   with many uh manufacturers that build all kind of  smart uh wable objects okay and uh so last month   the Mobile World Congress event was held and uh we  saw a lot of uh prototypes and products uh around   the idea of wearables it wasn't just focusing on  the smart watch anymore it was uh Rings bracelets   all sorts of different things so does this give an  indication that you you know we feel like that the   future of wearables is going to be moving beyond  smart watches or not not even beyond smart watches   but just inclusive of of a lot more devices yeah  for sure there are many many types of wearable   products so you of course the the the watch is the  most uh I would say prominent one as you can see   you know we know all of the about the the big guys  like apple and and Google that do smart watches   but weable is all over your body in fact so you  can think about earbuds that kind of weables you   have glasses now that are also kind smart glasses  that are webl as well uh and then you can have   rings so you can see the you saw the announcement  at Mobile World Congress about the the the Galaxy   ring from Samsung this is also coming uh and then  you can have even like some smart pins or like the   human one it's a very new new type of wable that  you can see so yeah it's all over your your body   anything that you can wear anything that has a  some smartness into it you can consider consider   that as a wable and and we see that like more not  I would say an integration but more like really   an exposion of types of variables getting more  and more diverse and why why are we now seeing   this explosion is it because the the uh the chips  or anything in you know a lot of these chips are   less expensive to produce it's easier it's the  you know you can get them in the smaller they're   more flexible what what are some of the reasons  why you're seeing exactly in fact that's one of   the the main reason is that now it's possible to  have uh basically the power of a small computer in   a very small uh Dimension very small form factor  and also with a very long battery life so before   you you you use your chip but you have like a big  battery so you cannot do you cannot really wear it   and now you have a very small chip that are very  powerful and see very power efficient so you can   do a very small form factor and and do something  very nicely okay and one and one of the questions   I wanted to ask about the difference between  wearable Computing but then also smart clothing   because it feels like wearable Computing would be  defined as uh accessories that you put on your you   know you put on your body so it's you know either  a watch on your wrist a ring a bracelet like you   said glasses um but whereas wearables would be  more you know chips embedded into clothing um   smart t-shirt sensors and then I guess you got to  go down to the the feet I would would something   that you're putting on like shoes or socks with  well I guess socks would be clothing but would   like a smart shoe would that that be considered  a wearable or more smart clothing yeah it's maybe   the the between in between yeah the way okay I  think I would consider some wearable that exactly   as you said more accessories that you can wear  every day more or less uh while smart clothing   is is usually something that you work you wear  just for one specific purpose right because just   the Practical uh thing is that with clothes you  have to wash it so so you cannot really wear it   every day so it's really more like we see smart  closing typically for uh things like sport AET   that want to monitor uh everything in their body  so they have like some very tight clothing with   some sensors and also the thing that we see is  that smart clothing is really more about s sensing   so it's REM sensors uh it's not really more much  about interaction while the the the the other we   you have interaction you have action you have some  uh some kind of s of um uh effect uh basically   interaction back and forth between between the  the the person I think I think um when we talked   before the show you you you gave a great analogy  it was passive versus active so wearables like a   watch you would be more active with because  you'd be interacting with it back and forth   whereas maybe clothing would just be more passive  monitoring does does that make sense yeah yeah   that makes sense exactly that's what I'm saying  about sensing is really more passive you just you   you just monitor what you what what your body  is doing uh active yeah typically what the the   Smartwatch is an example where you really interact  with it you can change the look and feeli you   can launch application and things like that and  even from earbuds you have the same expect with   the earbud you can even speak to it so it's like  you have all the voice interaction SM cruising is   really more about the sensing and and the passive  passive yeah so you you mentioned you mentioned   earbuds and and I I think that uh for the most  part uh earbuds are just for usually listening   to phone calls but I I I saw something that Apple  might be working on um adding features to its OS   that would allow its airbud uh airpods to be more  like a hearing aid device so could we start seeing   more and more features that that utilize or more  devices that take advantage of um the ear versus   kind of a watch or or something like that do you  think that we're going to see explosion in that   space yes definitely so it's already in fact you  already have a diversity of of earbuds already   so there are some companies that already produce  some earbud that are provide some ear enhancment   uh some kind of he enement hearing enement so uh  because of course uh when you do hearing gates are   very expensive especially in the US uh so we have  what we call over the counter here earing Gates   that are now available and Company like Bose  for instance they have this nice earbud that   also can do some ear earing G function so this is  an aspect and then you have also the interaction   because with Alexa and Siri and all these things  you you have kind of a voice assistant function in   the in the deer bird and then you can have select  all kind of application that are sound uh base   like uh you can sing about radio or I would say  music or even assistant again of course with the   J know you can have assistant that are very smart  so I'm expecting to see this kind of thing coming   with earbuds I'm wondering if do you think that we  could ever get to a point where maybe the earbud   acts as a standalone system rather than just as  a pass or as a go between between a phone or or   maybe even your watch it'd be nice to not have  to have the phone but then you know have have an   earbud that acts as a music player connectivity  device phone but I guess that's that's dreaming   too much cuz the battery life would probably be a  big issue No in fact there are some technology now   so that to to some extent in fact one one one  of the the aspect of being able to have your a   birds as an autonomous device it needs to connect  to the network so um there are two ways you can   do that you can do with cellular that's we don't  have earbuds with cellular it's really to reques   too much power but what we are starting to see  is earbuds with a Wi-Fi connection and Wi-Fi   connection means that you can be uned you don't  need the mobile phone at least when you are in   your home setting which can just right as long as  you're with that 300 feet or exactly you Wi-Fi on   your your and it's becomes so it access directly  the everything in the cloud and that could be very   interesting in term of the the type of application  that you can get you can see yeah yeah uh so as   we as we explore a lot of these these potential  new companies that are out there or potential new   devices do you think it's going to be largely I  mean are there space for new companies in is there   room for new companies in this space um or will  companies like Apple and Samsung that have such   a dominant market right now in the Smartwatch side  is it just going to be them or do are are we going   to start seeing more startups perhaps enter the  space to try to get you know maybe the the Rings   or The the earbuds or the heads or the shoes or  whatever yeah no it's it's not only startups in   fact even established companies uh what we see  in fact you look at the Smartwatch Market uh it   looks like apple is dominant and it looks like uh  they have everything but no they have in fact the   proportion of the market that is L than 50% in  fact they have more less 30% of the market and   then you have uh the Google watch uh where watch  is like maybe 10% of the market so over like 60%   of the market is type of SmartWatches and so there  is a lots of uh I would say segmentation so a lots   of uh companies that that provide specific uh  smart watches that are really targeting a type   of audience that is require something different  for inance sport watches if you think of sport   watches like people like gin or po they really  focus on sport first your performance and the   users want this experience of the sport experience  they don't want I would say smartphone on your   risk like what is the Apple watch more or less  but they want something that is very specific   tailor to their their I would say interest and and  their experience right so I think we continue to   see that uh company will start to bring some uh  different uh product that are based on the that   that that want to to serve a specific audience  with a specific need um so sport fashion Maybe   let's say W is for kids for instance or elderly  which for elderly people and so on so you can see   all these kind of fragmentation of the market and  Company will will will serve all these a specific   watch for an elderly podcast host like like me  um that's how specific they're going to get so   when when we're talking about uh you know these  companies that are going to be making a lot of   these things what are the the challenges that  they're facing cuz and and what priority like   what's the biggest challenge and then but there  are you know if you had a bullet list there's a   bunch of different challenges that they face like  what would do you think would be the the biggest   right now yeah so I think there is a in fact uh  so the first challenge is basically the tradeoff   between power weight and form factor so basically  uh the power because it's a weable device it must   be autonomous for and can be it can work for for a  long time from from the battery uh battery life is   very important it's always the top in fact concern  for all customers uh in all surveys that you do   that's really battery life is number one uh but  of course the batter is very heavy uh if you look   at the the watch in fact typically the the Google  watch or the the the the Apple watch they are very   thick because they need a big battery uh so it has  an impact on the form factor it has an impact on   the weight uh so this I think the the the major  uh I would say challenge for for any company that   wants to build a weel product is that how you  balance this free this three dimension right   so is it is it constantly moving up and down  where you know maybe a a battery gets improved   and you can make it smaller but then that means  you can then put either heavier weight but if it   gets too heavy you you know so is it constantly  kind of Shifting between those requirements yes   the the the battery itself in fact The Battery  Technology despite what an musk says it's more   or less stable it hases not evolve since like 10  years or 20 years so it's always the same density   of energy that you get in in your battery so you  cannot really reduce the cannot really reduce the   battery by itself so what you reduce is power  consumption so you have you can do some Smart   Designs typically like for instance for smart  watches you can do an H hybrid design or you   have a big processor and small processor and the  small processor can take care all the time when   when you you don't uh interact with the watch but  you want at least to see the the display right so   so there are some smart ways that how you can you  can reduce power and then this is also an impact   on the form factor because of course if you can  reduce power you can reduce the battery then you   can have a very sliek uh watch uh and it's very  for instance important for glasses so glasses   right there have studies that have been made that  people wants to the glass to weight no more than   50 gram so it between 40 and 50 gram right if  if it's more than 50 gr it's not comfortable and   that's what we're seeing with the Vision Pro and  some of those VR headsets too is that if you know   they feel too heavy you're not going to wear them  for a long time and um even even if you know every   now and then my glasses get get too too heavy for  me and I have to take them off so I imagine with   all if there was a lot of technology in there too  uh the quality of the materials also is important   too right cuz you you don't want to make something  that's you know yeah you want to make it light but   then all of a sudden if they fall off your head  or if you drop it and then it crashes in front   of you that's a bad thing right yeah of course  of course it's like so with the every wearable   tech in fact we're in the realm of fashion in fact  it's because you don't want to to wear something   that says I'm cheap yeah so so the quality the  look and feel also the uh and ultimately also   the you have the performance of your your your uh  object so uh so you you can always in fact some   some people so we work with manufacturer and some  people that sometimes make a mistake saying okay   I'm just getting a cheap product that is made in  China with and I have all this feature list here   so they say oh I have all these features you can  see you can you go to Alibaba you can find like   cheap wbl with all kind of features but all these  features in fact are completely subpar in term of   performance and typically your sport analytics  will be very bad let's say your your steps will   be counted badly your heart rate will not be good  so the performance will be will be sub suboptimal   and then the experience user experience at the end  will not be good right I I want to get back to the   fashion factor a little bit too again this is an  area in a category where um Aesthetics are more   important than in maybe other other technology  areas um I don't care really what my my Wi-Fi   router looks like cuz it's usually hidden or  it's on you know it's in the in a corner it's   not a fashion access especially that I'm since  I'm not going to be wearing my Wi-Fi router um   so it has to be good-looking I think when when  the Google Glass came out there were a lot of   techies that were like oh this is great this is  great but there was you know normal people were   not going to be seen wearing it cuz it looked like  it was just this big monstrosity that you had so   you have you know and I think Apple's seeing that  as well like people think that they look like ski   goggles and um there is there is a bit more of a  fashion Focus that you have with wearables that   you don't have with others right yeah yeah right  in fact it's it's very important uh what we see   every time when all people we we we talk to they  it's very important for them to have this distinct   this distinctive look um it's a it's a it's it's a  statement when you you wear something it's really   intimate to statement about yourself it's like  your clothes your everything so for Consumer   it's very important that uh uh yeah the the the  the look and feel really correspond to what the   they they think about themselves um so yeah and  and and so related to that uh this is a in fact   an area where any company can also differentiate  themselves by creating something that is unique   and that correspond to a very very specific type  of audience right do do you think smart glasses   are something that can uh go beyond just this  augmented reality or virtual reality path that   we're we're we're going down and maybe you could  have smart glasses that do different features like   just you know the ability for me to just go boom  record video or you know record audio or even just   listen to audio maybe through the the back part  of the of the glasses um I mean there's a lot of   other things I can think of but rather than just  trying to create this gigantic expensive device   that you know where I'm sitting in a movie theater  I don't necessarily need to see that but you know   for Content creation it'd be great to just go  Boop and you know record stuff yeah that's so yeah   exactly exactly in fact there are two categories  in in smart glasses we have the the few full out   arvr headset like like the one from uh from or  the one from from Apple so yeah this this if   you look at this these when you demonstration  with these things most of the time people are   sitting because it's very uh it's very intrusive  in fact it get get all over your your eyes and it   gives you all this information and so on so it's  very disruptive you cannot really work with these   things uh but we see also another category which  are the real I would say the real varable because   these are things like this big computer on your  your eye isn't there more like computers but the   weable is really the the the I would say the the  only gra of smart glasses are the ones that are   really look like glasses and that weight like  glasses and you can wear every day so it's it's   they are more like AR glasses more than VR glasses  right right and they will and you can use them for   audio for video capture or even to display some  information I'm sure yeah I'm sure that there   are some C there are some uh little tiny cameras  you could put like right here in the you know in   the bridge and I'd probably have to go to like a  spy store or something like that there's probably   already product you don't have to do that in fact  it's already exists it's a rban you know the the   rban uh is that the one that meta came out with  exactly so ran already has version two of this   glasses that have custom capture and audio and the  audio is very good because it's very close to your   ears so in fact they use the bone connection to  uh to create audio so it's it's great it's a great   audio and also they capture the camera but they're  not yet AR glasses now they don't have the display   okay and uh but we know a company it's one of our  partner the the company the the brand name is eno   go and they have glasses that have some display  and that used mainly for sport uh people so so   so people that are really into fitness and Sport  they can they can have a real time feedback about   what how how good they're doing in their activity  uh so this exist already also this kind of very   small small small very lightweight uh glasses to  to do some uh interaction especially especially   with Fitness I think that the the less you kind  of have to carry around with you the better um and   so it would be nice if since I'm already wearing  my glasses when I when I you know uh walk on the   treadmill it'd be nice to have something that so  I'm not carrying this and this and the bottle of   water and it's all that other stuff so I I want to  go down the rabbit hole with you a little bit more   on potential uh form factors that we might not  have thought of yet or maybe you've seen them cuz   you're in this space and you've seen probably some  some interesting designs out there but I started   thinking of like you know what about the nose  have we have we taken advantage of I don't know a   little tiny nose ring that that that has a sensor  on it maybe or um I think we talked about smart   earrings perhaps um you know you got necklaces  there are other excess accessories in the Fashion   World um that maybe we haven't starting to you  know we haven't seen some cool applications for I   think uh before the call we we were talking about  gloves too like smart gloves W would be something   that might be taking it you know may be in the  wearable space um yeah so so yeah all these all   these could be uh could come in fact you if you if  you look very uh to spend time looking you find uh   always a company that has start that done one of  these project so I know at least a company that   does a necklace necklace that is more for Fitness  uh if you look at smart closing we talk about it   in the beginning there are all kind of smart  closing already existing there have companies   that have started some do some Niche products they  are still niche in fact they don't have they have   not found yet a big audience uh but I could you  think about it like these uh basically earrings   or this I would say maybe a cap or a hat with  some sensors and I can could sense maybe your   like brain activity and saying okay you're you're  in a you're basically thinking well or you're   you're in a good mood or you're not in good mood  and maybe give some some information like that   so right um yeah these all are all open we don't  see Mass adoption yet but uh for sure there will   be companies that will try to to design this type  of product uh one of the things that was at mobile   War Congress I don't know if you saw this but  it was a it was a smart bracelet that you put   and it looked like it was just basically a phone  on motola motola and I looked at that and going   like that I would never wear on my wrist because  it just looks too heavy and looks too big um but   it's nice nice to see these types of prototypes  because it it gets our imaginations going about   potential other possibilities so um overall are  you optimistic about uh the potential for wearable   Computing or is it just going to be Niche products  maybe in the health and fitness space uh or are we   going to just gravitate towards the the the smart  watch for the for the for the near future yeah no   what I see in fact is uh basically uh uh I would  say Okay um compan building user experiences so   it's really about the user experience not really  about the object itself you can think about   like the the user experience typically what I'm  mentioning about these glasses sport glasses that   that work in conjunction with your watch fact and  if you have a sport watches you have the glasses   so you have the the watch to to measure do the  measurement and you have the glasses to to display   the measurement so and this is the wall uh user  experience the whole the ultimate in fact Fitness   experience and you can see in fact the integration  of these three things maybe your shoes your glass   your your your glass your your watch and they  all contribute to giving the perfect experience   in term of the sport sport efficient those that  you are uh so I see I think that this this type   of integration of various object into perfect user  experience that's what I'm thinking is a is a good   very very good direction for the or so it's a I  I I I believe that there will be continue to be   some innovation in the field and uh there will  uh and they will work yeah this this would be   disintegration of experience be part of the The  Innovation but then one of the the the issues   is is if we do see an explosion of these types  of devices there's probably not a a common uh   ecosystem or an operating system that can manage  all of this it's it's probably going to be focused   on one vendor will integrate everything on one  side and then the second vendor and so there won't   be I I I haven't seen anything yet have you seen  anything where there's like a wearable operating   system common open- source type thing from the  software from the software side or no it's like   when you do when when you guys work with software  you have to work towards the specific device that   is being operated on right yeah yeah so so on  on nor side we try to to to provide this kind   of integration with our own V so we try to provide  integration because we can work on any type of of   object in fact uh and at the end in it's uh it's  for sure it will be a manufacturer manufacturer   Focus so one manufacturer will have kind of his  own range of objects but there are some sard that   stting to to to um to um I would say happen like  the for for glasses U there's a company called   active look trying to to build like a I would say  standard or definition for how you interact with   smart glasses yeah um so you can have the same I  I could I could foresee that maybe at one point   these manufacturer will come together and say okay  let's let's be at least some uh common exchange   standard so you can you can integrate these object  with with with each other and this is maybe they   maybe those manufacturers could then because it's  technically an Internet of Things type thing an   iot so maybe they work with home uh home network  and home kind of automation systems and I think   there was that matter uh exactly that's a good  that's a good par a good parallel because in the   home we everybody said okay it's very fragmented  there is no common ecosystem it will never happen   and so on and right now in the smart home it's  happening like people are now everybody supporting   the matter uh which is a standard for let's say  interconnection between objects so I think yeah   once we have like the the body is instrumented  with all kind of object uh I think it's Natural   Evolution would be okay let's do build a standard  so this kind of wall body Network can can can work   together oh boy I I don't think I'd ever want to  hear the term internet of bodies or the I think   there was a concept like that in the the past  internet I mean a lot long time ago there was   something about where uh humans were going  to become their own uh access points for um   for networking and and there was this concept  of the personal area network where yeah that's   right person and then you could provide Wi-Fi for  your friends because you know you would have this   device that was on you um I don't think that that  necessarily went anywhere and Bluetooth is still   around I I think most everything is going to go  still through the phone so I think we're kind   of stuck with that for a while uh there is also  concept that you could use a watch as a the main   processor so that's uh one of the basically  it's it's not secret but that's what meta is   is targeting they want to basically propose uh I  would say a system where the glasses interact with   some other device that could be in your pocket  or in your in your wrist and it's they kind of   bypass the phone because they don't have phone  they don't have exactly they belong the phone   belongs to the other guys yeah I think I think  Google and apple would probably be like nah you   know we're good so uh Samir Samir had Hadad thank  you so much from for talking with us today on the   show about wearable Computing some exciting stuff  happening in the future thanks thank you thank you   very much Keith all right that's all the yep thank  you uh that's all the time we have for today's   episode don't forget to like the video subscribe  to the channel and add any thoughts you have below   join us every week for new episodes of today and  Tech I'm Keith Shaw thanks for watching [Music]

2024-04-21 16:23

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