Company 4K. Ian Hunt Haileybury vs Krzysztof Rybinski Narxoz

Company 4K. Ian Hunt Haileybury vs Krzysztof Rybinski Narxoz

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Final. Exam from the traditional, schools. In Kazakhstan, is. Designed, the way that it checks, how. They memorize the material indeed, yes so those, who really are the best are, the best in memorizing, well, sister, has to change and I have, to be different and we taught differently, I'm. Taking. Personally. Three, to four courses on Coursera, or EDX every, year I became. In. The last 12 months I became data scientist. Without. Seeing. A, single. Professor. In. Data science because, you can really access these courses online and, in. Online courses, your classes were hard 58, hours yes, any. Teaching at the same time hundred, thousand, students, in global, yeah the the smartphones, are banjo in the lessons just. Because you need to focus on focus, on what's going on inside the room yeah. Having, said that they. Can because. It's the digital platform. They, can be utilized in some area and it was it was about Freud actually and. What. Was good was that they, they were confident, enough to put their own views, forward, absolutely. Our biggest cost to a laborious, human. Resource by, far, it. Takes, up more. Than, nearly. 60%, of our budget of course very important, of course in, every field including, basic math. Things. Are changing much faster than before even, if even if the topics don't change because 2+2 we always before but. The way you teach it cause it changed because. Of social, networks. No. Weights put internet there's, the mergers of brands, they're. Not that many that everybody no production that's a must the kind of developed. Developed. Country status you. Have to have competitive world, class exactly. In the regions you it's. Much more difficult to move forward yes new. Habits of ecology topics away yeah you know it's it's. Easier, to teach them it's more fun and then. Yeah. But, the graduates absolutely, and now we're, looking at around about, 50 scholarships, per, year to. To. Children who have, no financial means we we can we can continue, with that program it's, very it's very expensive because obviously you, know 50/50, scholarships, you know cost a lot of money that you can actually acquire the proper process off of preparation, at school University, so, that's much more than just about good GPA yes, absolutely, have a great pleasure to, present to you this award for. Halle Berry Kazakhstan. Has. A leader. Of transformation, in 2017. Congratulations. Thank you very much we're very proud to receive it. So. How. Do we want to begin I. Think. As. Far as. Halle. Berry is concerned in terms of transformation. And educational, transformation we've. Got. A. Very, innovative program here, and, I was talking to a. Member, of the Education Ministry recently, about, the differences, between the Kazakhs system and the. UK system that we operate and. It's. Very much based on problem solving very much based on, focusing. These. Students, to get them to a, level, of understanding, that, will allow them to access high. Quality universities. So. That those universities, can continue, their level. Of teaching. Without. Having to do a bridging, process. So. The a level system for example it's, focused enough there's intense enough to allow, that to happen and, it gives us the opportunity to to. Really prepare these students in a in a in a worthwhile way this. Is crucial.

Mr.. Blahous University, we recruit, almost 2,000 students every year for, regular, bachelor. Programs, and we see, what. Competencies. Deficiencies, they have and problem, solving critical. Thinking for many. Students, who come not from the very top schools this is a really a problem in a moreover, the. Final. Exam from the traditional, schools, in Kazakhstan, is. Designed, a way that it checks, how. They memorize the material indeed, yes so those, who really are the are. The best memory, yeah and you run the correlation, because we are interested helps for scholarship, programs and. We checked. Results. Of our own tests which check, problem solving critical thinking. IQ, type of the questions as well we've this state Ian tell results. And, correlation. Was negative. Zero point two Wow. So there was where the best and forget state grants in. Our assessment, and not the ones who have the greatest potential. Well. Sister, has to change it's, really greater than cousins that we have Halle Berry in other schools teach, differently, yeah well that that's an interesting point because it's, it's a system that if you, were to take it back to the UK would probably, have been prevalent, thirty. Years ago and and. The, development. Of that problem-solving, culture, is is. Hugely, important, when it comes to to taking, a forward into the university of its fear. And. Of course it as you say it's about. Leadership. And teamwork and, and developing. Confidence, and, public speaking and all the things that that are the softer skills that. That. Require. Development. At the same time but. There's, nothing less. Valuable, than a didactic. Level. Of teaching that requires no no. Challenge, and input from the students except, in order to memorize. So. I think, the. One thing that that needs. To drive change is, is the is, the Kazakh understanding. That, that. Where we need to be is, much. More closer to the Western model of Education. Focused. On so. Or so far so good because oil prices were high but going. Forward they. Need creativity. Startups. Innovation. Of, course today the youth the. Students, they have to be different and we taught differently and. We've. Out understanding, that this is crucial for, growth.

And Development about, new. Breed of new, talent entering, the market there won't be no. Great. Growth of the know six, to ten percent in Kazakhstan is used to and, there's a risk of being stuck in the low growth environment. People. Deserve better so I believe the. Changes indications, are globally, now so. Visible. Everywhere. They. Are, coming gradual to Kazakhstan, they have to come a navy of course a porters for its development of the country so. Let's. Keep things close that authorities, also understand, this is d sector, you. Have to invest absolutely. I mean yesterday I was on, the, panel for, the fifth Almaty, Investment, Forum and I. Remember. Sharing a one. Of the the, speaking. Slots with the. Admissions, dean from Harvard and. This. Was exactly what we were talking about problem solving and. It's. Very clear that if, big. Organizations. Are going to come to, Almaty and to, invest in the city the, beautiful, city with a fantastic, history and and and, a vibrancy, that that, really ought to be celebrated, then, there. Has to be a world-class education environment. Both, for the executives. That they're going to bring in but, also as you say for the for, the future, children. Of Kazakhstan, who, are, going, to be the, people who will be the entrepreneurs, for the startups, and for the for, the new industries, that haven't even yet been been. Developed. But. Changes are coming very fast I. Believe. In, higher education, the. Reforms. And changes that, we saw over the last decade, or two are. Unprecedented, and. This is all due. To digital, technologies, I am. Taking, personally. Three, to four courses on Coursera, or EDX every, year I, became. In. The last 12 months I became data scientist. Without. Seeing, a, single, professor. In. Data science because, you can really access this courses, online of. Course in all my platforms will not develop team, building, critical. Thinking, and soft, skills that you need to become successful but professional, skills, now you can study, at Stanford, comfortably. Being. Located in Almaty and, paying 50, 50. Bucks so, that's a challenge it, those, institutions. Which are not the world class the top class but. The average of below average they. Would suffer because students, will notice that instead of large. Education, the receive institutions, taken or easily easy access, you, know work less education provided digitally, so, there is a. Race. Now that. Only those who deliver world-class. Education. Can. Thrive. And. Increase the market sure yeah. And, that certainly for us there is there is room for a digital. Development. Of teaching. But, it has to be blended because, it goes back to the point about. Whether. There is a a. A. Soft, skill development you, know with team building and with with critical, thinking and all those skills that that actually without. Them you're. Not going to to, enter into that that top level of global enterprise. And so. We. Need to keep this, physical. Entity of a school we. Need to invest in those in the resources, but, we also need to be aware that that there is a digital revolution and that digital revolution, needs to be embraced but. Not taken. On without thought and. For. Us you know a lot of this will will will probably, manifest, itself in in areas. Where there are shortages in subjects, or seduced where, you, can't physically, attract. The best teachers and so, you end up in a webinar with, somebody. In the other side of the world who, is a physicist, or a engineer.

Or A mathematician. And, whatever in whatever context, it might be so, that so, that more, people can access that that quality, teaching. But. As I said it's, got to come hand. In glove with with. The physical, human contact, that would do you know we know is so important. Interesting. Sometimes. I I. Used. To teach a nicety teaching, on the 30 years experience sometimes. You could have problems handling class. Of 30 or 50 and. In all my courses your classes were hard 52 hours yes, yes any, teaching at the same time hundred, thousand, students, and globally, so, this is totally new dimension, but, again I definitely agree this, is only narrow. Professional. Path and the broader education, requires, physical. Space community. I was. Most important, teachers. Who, are dedicated, and capable to. Engage. Young. People who, are different than 20 years ago absolutely. Smartphone. Second. They are indeed yes how you. Bury. So that you know they don't they don't continue, on contact. Your Facebook. First. Of all the yeah the the smart phones are banned during the lessons just, because you need to focus on focus, on what's going on inside the room yeah. Having, said that they. Can because. It's the digital platform. They, can be utilized in, some area so you, could have a situation in a science lab, where where, the an app is being used in order to to further further, learning I think, I think one of the biggest issues is when you're you're, learning, as an individual, in a room on your own there. Is no opportunity to, to. Learn from the from. The misunderstandings of, others and no. Opportunity, to challenge the. The thoughts and the processes, that other people may have and, and. That becomes then a very one-dimensional way. Of learning and. And it goes back to the original problem which, we've just talked about in terms of the didactic, teacher. To, student rather. Than this this, two-way. Process and, multi-dimensional. Way, process where the children get involved with each other as well and. I was observing a lesson just. Yesterday. And there must have been a. Dozen. Children in the group and in fact the teacher played, a secondary, part because, they were very much interacting, with each other and having. A philosophical. Debate and. It. Was it was about Freud actually and. What. Was good was that they, they were confident, enough to put their own views, forward, but, at the same time willing. To accept other P was views as well and and. I'm sure that at the end of it that different. People had changed their opinions, because. Of their peers as, much as because of of, what the teacher was saying, there's. A group learning is very important. All of us say that not host University we took, a different approach, we.

Found It was impossible to, ban. Smart. For us and other groups you could have a lecture with 200 people how you made. It effective yeah, so we developed. The technology that. Teachers, actually are. Able to use smart phones to. Involve students yes so if you ask the opinion you. Just display. On the screen a, link yes, you, are, beliefs on the Internet so you download the link then you actually can you can devote a little time, to see how. The votes spread, across the or there. Could be dynamic, quiz, that you can ask someone, can get points to a special. Class that teaches. Teacher, how to teach yet you know this this. New generation of kids. And the students it works they love it it doesn't work. And. We you know and we do that here as well in those certain environments, I think, what's, really interesting though is the is, is. The investment, you know we talk about. You. Know this just revolution, in technology and, into digitizing. But but the real investment, that we need to make sure continues. Is in the human resource, of the teacher whether, that's a school level or a, university, level and of course at Haileybury one, of our, biggest cost of a the various, human. Resource by, far, it, takes, up more. Than, nearly. Sixty percent of our budget and the reason that is is because we want to attract the, very best teachers because. We have a wonderful building we have wonderful resources, but. It. Would all be for nothing if the quality, of teaching was weak and so. The. Pedagogical, skills whether, they're in school or whether they're a university, need, to be of the very best and so the value, of the, teacher has, to be maintained, and I think that there has to be a conscious. Decision in any society whether. It's in Kazakhstan, or whether it's in Mongolia. Or whether it's in the UK that, the, the. Importance, of the teacher is. Paramount, and the. Better the teacher the better the outcomes, and and. That of course that comes in different ways that comes both, in the pedagogical skills but also there's social-emotional. Skills to, actually interact. With the children or the students, and. And. Make them feel better about themselves allow them to help them to understand, more and to, bring out the very best potential. Each child has got because each one's got a different potential and then interestingly and, we know this don't we each one learns in a different way so, you, may have some children who and students who are learning in a linear fashion others, will be much more mindmap orientated. And it's. Important, that that each teacher. Understands. That and make sure that their lessons are, diverse. And interesting. And, multi-dimensional. Agree. More, Harvard. I was taught by the former dean of the, business schools. They. Sit together, top, in in the world and they asked for, the five or ten best, specialists, in the field and they, agree collectively, and they approach on those ten best, with the offer, those. Respondent, they they you know they they they, look. At these offers and then they, decide so, this, is showing. How, important, it is to have really very best people to. Teach it, however it's very best globally, because is the global investor University yeah but in Kazakhstan, or no. Far from in Poland where I come from, the. Level, of, income. Or the wage level of teachers is crucial. Because to, attract very good people who then teach our, students, our, peoples they. Have to receive good wages yes, in state pays important, role because states that's really a benchmark. Also for the private sector and how much to pay the teachers so. I I notice for example in Kazakhstan, who. Is in the similar GB per capita level as Poland wage. Of the, teacher, wages. Level is one third of that, in Poland which, shows that. This. Indicator shows that, level. Of human capital the, teachers, young. People in Poland his, know, its attracts, much more attention much more financial resources than. The same process in Kazakhstan, somehow. It, shows that maybe so the value it is much. But. It's a row because I know I've been here for three years the, Kazakh family's, value. Education, a lot of course, very important, of course so it, has to be reflected in budgetary.

Priorities A lower-body cups terms of wages to schools universities. To, found though the top quality people join the universities and, you're right and that that's something that has impressed me enormously. When I whenever, I've spoken, to Kazakhs families. Is, the value they place on education, and society. Places. On education, and yet, as, you say it, doesn't get is not reflected, in in, the wage structure and and. It's interesting because we've. We've, just been looking at. Hail appear about how, we managed, to, attract. The top teachers, for, our next round of recruitment, for next year and we. Spent an awful lot of time. Trying. To ensure that our packages. Are both competitive. And not not just in terms of wages but in terms of accommodation. And, and. And, showing, the attractiveness, of the city. But. Also very. Importantly, in terms of continued. Professional development for, the teachers because. Whilst. We accept, that, the world is becoming a village and it's becoming smaller and and everybody's. Moving around more and. The. Certainly. The British teachers, are becoming, much, more willing to travel but. We have to make sure that when they're over here they, continue, to develop professionally, this isn't a backwater, it's, actually a vanguard. And, and, the front near forefront. Of, educational. Pedagogical. Development, and. So you, know we will spend a significant, amount of money this year ensuring. That our staff continue. Their, educational. Pedagogical. Growth and. Then, that. That message the great thing about social media is that, that message gets around very quickly and when. People say eh were looked after financially. But be will looked after professionally. But then they want to come and and. Then we can then genuinely, start, and, continue to attract the very very best teachers it's is. The only possible, winning strategy, displeased that was University was the same we pay above average and. Also we have very intense.

Professional, Development program more. Than 40 courses for. Academics, were offered last a training here. Internationally. He brought top. Experts, to her house to of, a train here we sent people abroad that, you know you see the difference you. Just think. In every, field including, basic math. Things. Are changing much faster than before even. If even if the topics don't change because 2+2 we always before but. The way you teach it cause it changed so you have to continue develop and, that's why so much money has to be put into in development, and. The. Only solutions that prosper at, success. For those who really care about personal development of their older so, I've. Let that honey buy the horse or both yes, what they say pal and you and you have a relationship with Coventry University and, the UK and do, you bring over. Faculty. Members from Coventry - yes, and to teach the. Co interview mr. program they are coming, from poverty to teach part. Of the program is taught by our local faculty, which some, of them are some international faculty so we have professors. From UK however we've asked for permanent, basis as well but some courses are taught by our very. Professional, faculty who is Kazakh and come here though excellent, English some of them have spent some time abroad. So. You. Can offer very. Good quality program similar, quality to Kyoto University locally, at lower cost we. SH you know after devaluation, makes. Makes. A difference for yourself Abi's who may struggle absolutely. Course. One. Of the one. Of the, projects. That we're looking to develop and I'm just about to to. Head. There in a, couple of weeks is to. Build the relationship, with Harvard University. Where. By their, recent, graduates. Would, be given the opportunity, to come and teach, in the, science or math faculty here, at Haileybury, for, a semester. And. It will give them and they won't take the place of a teacher, they'll support the teacher so. It, would be it's a wonderful opportunity for them to to, get an. Understanding of, what, it's like to be in the classroom. Obviously. You know as Harvard graduates, they'll be highly. Highly capable and. But. It's all it's not just about what. They they offer in terms of maths and science but, it's their life skills as well and what they've experienced. And and. And hopefully. Inspiring. Our children, to, to. Really aim for the very very highest level, of education. You touch, upon. Fact. That I, called. Celebrity. University, yes so, there is because, of social networks. No. White's but Internet there's, emergence of brands, and. Not that many that everybody knows and. That's the hammer fact that brand, appears that indicates. The. Quality, of education so, the fact that Harvard, are, they we came to Halle Berry is a big. Confirmation, of the quality of education Halle, Berry yes absolutely so so. Collaborations, of this thank you and. And you know to, be honest one, of the things that I want us to to. Become known as is it's one of those celebrity brands, ourselves. In the, school context.

And. We. We certainly have one of the strongest UK. France. Already but. There's, no reason to want it to be a global brand as well and. And, this is one of the ways in which we you know we can move towards that but I also think and this is a I think this is a really important, point for for. Kazakh children not every, one of our graduates, will, go to Harvard, or MIT that. That would be in fact we wouldn't want them to we, want to have range of children not, just a range of ability but a range of aspirations. And destinations, which is why not house is such. An important. University when it comes to to. The. Destination, for for, local. Kazakh. Children and if. Universities. Such as yours, carry, on improving, the way that you have been since you've been there then, it. As a destination. For our graduates, that can only be a good thing and. You. Know to have to, have that as an alternative destination, is. A tremendous. Benefit. To our to our children, and. There's got to be more of them though you know we've really got to have many. More universities. In Kazakhstan, that really take. The, the, level. That they're at and raise their game to, a level that that, they start to compete with Western universities. That's. A must the kind of developed. Developed. Country status you. Have to have competitive world-class. Exact. Education, system exactly. And. As we know reforming. Education is. Not easy, it. Takes a lot of time, a. Lot. Of effort sometimes. You fail. So. I hope. That, the. Several, universities, that we know in Kazakhstan, moving committee forward, could, be used as a benchmark, in. Example. For for the others who, still struggle, especially. When. You're not in a mud or stunner in the regions you know, it's much more difficult to move forward, yes but. Kids in Latin are washing can deserve, great education, so, I hope our colleagues miss in this cities also, continue. With their homes but, I would say. It. Makes a difference first, after the last three years were very intense, we, we did a lot our programs, our branch but now to go to national programs every.

Year So, even have a good program we audited every year because. Every said new habits of canoe topic somewhere yeah. And, we. Notice that over the three years quality. Of students, who enter university, dramatically, increased we. Were checking their their, score on the anti test for example who is not the best test measure the quality but there were some benchmark and, this. This, increased massively over the last three years so, now we are getting you know very good students from, from from Kazakhstan, which shows, that reforms. Matter. That, families, and students, noticed. Some good changes have happened and they want good education, and, we have better students you. Know it's it's. Easier, to teach them it's more fun and then. Yeah. Also gradually. And. And. Certainly from our perspective, we've, developed. A scholarship program, which. Will allow children who don't, have the financial means to, access Haileybury. Through. The through, the the. Normal route will, really have that opportunity to come and study here and not just study here but then carry on their study in. Wherever, it may be you. Know if they are fortunate enough to go to one. Of the you, know the super brands then. Great and we. May, well even, support, their support. Their studies there but. Most. Importantly, it's about giving, access to children who who, would otherwise not have had that and and. Now we're, looking at around, about fifty scholarships, per, year to. To. Children who have no financial means and, I think that does two things it first. Of all it it, raises, the the, profile, of the. School it raises the profile, of the. Child but. But. It also, raises. The, the. Awareness, of the students around them of just, how important, education is, and that. If you really want to, achieve the top then, there, is a price and the, price is hard work but, then there is a there is a value to that and there's a reward and, hopefully. We can we can continue, with that program it's, very it's, very expensive because obviously you, know fifty fifty scholarships, you know cost a lot of money but, we're very fortunate with with very good, sponsors. And shareholders, who, will very, interestingly local. Local, shareholders, who, see, the value of education and, see, the value of how important, it is if the, country is going to develop in the way that that, everybody, wants, and. I hope everybody, understands. This. Is of crucial importance, because of all the trends, in education especially, higher education, was. Dramatic. Increase, in the cost of tuition, in. In real terms of the N, fold increase in us not, so much in UK but in, us so, the fact that there are scholarships, that, support students, for to. Study at good universities, so push my importance and, that's quite often, thanks to alumni. Who, want to support the university, or business partners the. Hospice. Scholarship. Program hunt five scholarships from our corporate partners from. Given capital from banks for the bank offers lots of scholarships so. We are able to support whenever, hard students, annually through. Scholarships, who are from, you know low-income families very good results otherwise, wouldn't be able to go. To a good university so. Know. Let's hope that this trend. In Kazakhstan. That we can offer scholarships we increase and the, responsibility. Of socials possibility, of businessmen, will. Also. Increase and there is more and more money coming. To fund the, study of of talented, people from not. So. Wealthy. Families, cuz I sure, I mean but it is a circular, process and, I mean the funding may well come from those, those. Entrepreneurs. And those businesses but. It, will be repaid a hundred times over once, the talent is identified, once the talent is nurtured, and once the talent is realized, and and. Then those, talented, children students. Young adults and then eventually, career. Career, people will. Will make such a difference when it comes to the future of the country it's. Interesting I, haven't. Seen, a study that. Attempted, to calculate, the contribution that, way that would be very, interesting, maybe. I would interest some of our students, who.

Bachelor. Master students, to do a dissertation they talked of interesting, and what interesting. We, believe that young people make a difference really. Believing that in in their horse we. Removed. Diploma. Thesis. The. Batch of level it's not allowed all, of them they do diploma projects, so. We source real problems, from the business community or from the city, or, from from general community the, students work on the real problem, try, to come. With new product for, insurance company that sells well and makes profit, try, to comic Rydia our new routes for buses to reduce traffic and improve, quality of party, transportation, for the, cities a certain. Part of automatic so these are exact of projects, when students really do. Something useful they learn your skills and they contribute, to better, society so that's the way you think we. Should use young people, for, the pretty good of the country not know then copy paste copy paste or, no they're often plagiarized. Yeah. And. Actually you, know you're absolutely right one of the worries I have is that everybody wants, maths. Is such an elevated, subject. Everybody, focuses, on it almost at the detriment, of the, wider. Applied. Issues. That need to be need, to be done of course mathematics. Is important, but, we had a we had a boy last year who. Who. Went to UCL. Won. A place at UCL. Great. University number seven in the world and, and. I. Asked him what he wanted to study and he said urban planning and, I said that's, wonderful. Why. Is that that's not a typical. University. Of course he. Said you know he said I want to come come home to, Kazakhstan, and make a difference, because from. My perspective as a as a boy growing up in Kazakhstan, I saw, so many mistakes being, made I wanted, to be the person who, actually made a difference with with with my knowledge on urban planning and hopefully. We'll have more. And more of those types of degrees, that. As you say will come be. Able in the future to, benefit. The country and and, allow the the, students to very. Quickly start, to make a make, a difference, no generation. Has their dreams they want to make it a bit a walk of course so, we, need hope so wouldn't you that's. One. Of the results of our education, yeah we make. Them that way and then they have the dreams they believe they can be fulfilled they get the education and tools to make it happen actual. I. Believe. People in this other estimate, the importance. Of the art department, laugh and laugh and IT but, you know reading is about art it's, all about creativity, and, and about the people that create the creativity, which is such, an important part of any the vibrancy, the heart and soul of the school absolutely. So. I think the one, of the most important. Elements, of any education, system is the quality of the staff that, we employ because, if we don't get the best staff we don't get the best outcomes, and. Certainly. At Haileybury we found that in an international, context, there, are there are many trigger, points, for, good, quality staff, to come to the school but, actually, it's, the quality of the school that attracts, really, good staff and then.

What We have to do is to ensure that that, we give them the best possible package. And, and. Actually. Very, importantly, a good, continued. Professional development. Which. In, in a world that's getting much smaller there, are many more staff. Willing to travel but they have to believe that, their. Professional. Career is going to be furthered, whichever. School that they go to and, I'm sure it must be the same at university as well always very important. The. University level the. Host university we have a, large. Budget oh it's a very large budget for. Professional. Training, we. Invite. Really. Best people, to come to automatic your horse to teach our faculty, special. Groups it is much more cost effective than sending people abroad so he doesn't, come over so. We had great Dame's coming to teach our faculty, at. The host university. Also. It's, important, to pay above, market average. The track above average people plus. To. Have a system, that, really values. Those, who perform well so we set up a KPI, system, that the host University we have HR. Committee evaluates, annually. Every faculty, member every staff member and, those. Who perform very well to exceed their targets they get wage, increases and they get bonuses, so. This, is quite unlikely for university, to have such a system when it works well and we really see people who, strive. And and, make, great efforts because. At the end they know they'll be really, appreciated. And value it in terms of cash. But also in terms of. Professional, personal. Appreciation at the university you know and that's, it but it's very innovative when it comes to education, because in, the world of entrepreneurs, and business, and industry. Of. Course bonuses. And Cave the uninstalled, are standard, in. Education, in the past it's not been but. Of course it's exactly, the same it should be the same we, want the best and therefore. We, should be able to measure how well they're doing and, we should be able to reward them in a way that that. That gives the best people the, best opportunities, to to, earn more and to to have better packages, and it's interesting certainly, in this in the Haley Bruce context, we, our. Best teachers are also the people that are providing really. Diverse, and vibrant, extracurricular. Activities, and, those activities are are. Symptomatic. Of the problem solving that, we expect, in the classroom, except, they're replicated, out in in the, wilderness on the sports field in debating. Competitions. So, that the, the learning that goes on in the classroom is, is, built.

In It in a built. On in a, way that the. Students. Can really understand, and take take advantage, of oh that's crucial, we. Now the University work as. A Kaustubh, of student-centered. Learning environment. So, classes, on part of the that, the whole study path. You also have student, clubs activities, you. Have Street, initiative you, have stood student fundraising. This year students, at our host they start with fundraising and, raise money for the activities, for their for, the events so, and. That shows, you know if you having to raise money if. You're able to successfully, lead a student, organization, you. Present, yourself as the one with the superiors leadership, skills then your position on the labor market is completely. Different than the one who just don't. Got a good GPA so. This this environment, which you know it's telling great leader horse two. Years ago we had knives to organizations, this year have we have thirty to one just, in the middle of two years they're, everywhere, it's you know the coming to my office please join, this event join that event can you take interview for this event, that we have these. Are great students, they're going to be great you, know future workers. Leaders, managers, professionals. You, can see Torino and, you're absolutely right because the, in. The past the, GPA has been the only. Differentiator. Between, students. And of course now all. The best universities, are looking for an extra, dimension a lot of the students and so. Co-curricular. Activities, are really important, in giving those students, both, the confidence, and the skills to, give, our students, the confidence the. Leadership. Training, leadership, skills, give them the. Teamwork skills, the, problem-solving. Skills all of these things will stand them in good stead when it comes to University both, the application, level but, also obviously, throughout. Their time at University. It. Accumulates of wearing of studied school University, and you see the difference when they enter the labor market and they. Get employed they. Get paid, we. Are running. Annual. Survey, we. Calling, every our graduate. Three. Months after graduating. Ask, him or her, did, you get a job was. It a good job how much are you paid so. Closely monitoring. The. Professional. Path after, after, graduation, and. Yes we, are running you know very interesting. Data science models to understand, what's happening and, he found I used this science. Language we found statistically. Significant. Relationship, between student. Extracurricular. Life, employability. And, wage level so those who are very active during the studio time got. Better, jobs and a better paid here. You go you have the proof that it works that. That's so important, and I think that it's one of the USPS, of Haileybury, to, have such a wide-ranging. And diverse, and high-quality. Extracurricular. Program, which. Gives those, students, those that that edge when it comes to to, to. Making the applications, and to being better when. They're actually at university, but of course one, of the things that that is really, important also is is, those teachers.

That Are on, giving. Those opportunities, to the children and, we've. Got to make sure that that, we continue, to to. Attract the very best because, the infrastructure, of the school yes. We've got a wonderful building we've got wonderful facilities, and a great sight but. All. Of that would be for nothing if we didn't have world-class. Teachers, and so, it's, very important, in what is a a, it's. Certainly in the UK. Teacher. Market, it's a shrinking market and so. The. The opportunity, to to. Attract, the very best is. Is, reducing, so we've got to make sure that we're at the top of that of that, pile. Or the front, of that queue when it comes to to, getting the best teachers in into, our schools. A university-level. It. Is also important, that people who. Teach not, only. Have. These great skills to. Wake. Up the talent in the. Students, and make. Sure that this develops in the right direction but. Also they, need to conduct research. Because. At, the university level you, can teach well only when you do your own research because that shows that you understand, the field and. We Kazakhstan, that, has been a problem because teachers. Have to teach a lot they have 600, hours annually. Of. Active. Student engagement so. It doesn't leave much much room for doing, research we, came up at the host university of this idea of Professor researchers, so. We, reduced their teaching load by half and, he told them half of your time you, can do research and that. Produces great. Results, because students, through, this research have access to much better teaching. To. The last results. Of the scientific, you know research. Projects, I believe. That's. The way forward so that the great university, research, has to be really strongly present in, the teaching, itself and, that creates a great learning environment. It's. Interesting you say that because one. Of the I. Think one of the the ways in which education. Can, can. Be successful. In its continuum, from school, through to university, is for the universities. To, be very clear, about what skill, sets they require, before, those. Students, arrive at the university, because, if it's a singly er one, dimensional. And very, narrow perspective that. The, universities, are faced with then, they have a catch-up program, in order, to get the students to the point that, will allow them to be successful in their degree, program your degree programs so, from our perspective we're.

Always Looking, to hear, from. The best universities, as to, what it is what, skill, levels what skill sets, what skill developments. There, are that, we can impart to, the children, to, make them better students, so, therefore very, much better able to to take their place in the next stage of their of their, educational, journey which is the, universities. And. That has changed over the last years before. It was all basic, technical competences, you have to do a ton of math you have to know this or that to be able to follow the technical. Complexities. Of the program but, universities, understood, this is not about, knowledge. Their. Skills attitudes. Competences. That are much more important, than just narrow technical, competences. That's, why good universities, require good. Schools now to do much more to him you know develop. The. Pupils more, broadly about soft competences, and only. Those who have those competences, are then successful, in applying to the best universities, which, is more. Challenge for schools but also makes I think life, of. Professors, of teachers excused themselves much more interesting and engaging because, it does and and that's, what that's, why it's so so. Multi-layered. In a school like a library where, they, have the classroom. Practice. They have the classroom discipline, they, have the, sport they, have their music they, have their. Extracurricular. Clubs. And societies. Public. Speaking, and, all of those those opportunities, are given to them and not everybody will do everything wait. You know they some, people will, be involved in the Chess Club other people will be the star soccer player but, actually some, of the skills are very transferable. And, cross-referenced. And it's, such an important, aspect. Of their holistic, learning which, is what we really, want to do so, that they are ready and it's it's not just their. Their, academic. Profile. But, their capacity, to cope with University to cope with independence, to cope with decision making not just in in the lab or in the in the classroom, but actually in their own lifestyles, as well which, will which, will make them successful both, a student level but, then of course in, their careers, as well this. Is a dimension, that we sometimes forget about that, we preparing them not only for successful. Student life but to be successful. In their own life and. These. Competences. That. That. Have an impact your professional life and. Your. Personal life sometimes, the same so those are different for, example how lot to quarrel. With your spouse every day, that's. A competence, yes it's emotional intelligence use, that, that you can actually acquire the, proper process off of preparation, at school University, so, that's much, more than just about good GPA yes, absolutely, they, will actually have those competencies. Have those skills and have. The confidence, to impart. Them when, it comes to job interviews, or into career progression, and so, certainly. Our students, need, to to, accept, that they, are part. Of that global environment and it's. A competitive world and the. Better they are in, each of those different, disciplines both. In and out of the classroom the better chance they've got of succeeding they. Have to understand, that don't compete against other Kazakh colleagues they like as Chinese yes, Indians. Tens of millions of them and everybody wants their job grumpily, so. That's, much more intense competition, and, you can you can, prepare, for this only at a really top. Educational. Institutions yeah. That's. Why it's. Important, how you choose and where you go that's why the Bennet support and they today faculty, is important. And. That's why English, is important. We. Want English many. Job man many jobs many paths are closed to. You and Halle, Berry's no based on English education, and the house University, we have doubled. The number of hours of English for every student whether it's Kazakh track or Russian track the receive double hours. Of English, compared. To standard university, because, recognized, how important. English language is for the development, the, future career. Have. A great pleasure to, present to you this award for. Halle Berry Kazakhstan. As. A leader. Of transformation, in 2017. Congratulations. Thank you very much we're very proud to receive it.

2018-01-18 10:26

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It seems to me or Kazakhstan is the only one in the post-Soviet space who does not trample on the spot and tries to develop?

In connection with new technologies, the education system needs to evolve and become less expensive.

Unfortunately, our rulers do not watch such interviews, and therefore the country catastrophically lags behind in development!

Earnestly. It can be seen that Krzysztof Rybinski has extensive experience in these matters.

They are really great. The perfect thinking of the future, the super intelligent ideas, the sophisticated science language. Just superb for the students of Kazakhstan.

It's nice to listen to smart people. I heard very interesting ideas Master of Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Economics Krzysztof Rybinski, to which it would not hurt to listen not only to me.

interesting interview. It is useful to listen to the opinion of an educated person, his views on political and economic issues.

Perfect interview! I have only one question, when will the leaders of our companies, the country as a whole, listen to intelligent people with advanced thinking? Well, you can not always trail in the tail of civilization!

The questions that Haileybury asked were topical. In addition, the answers to them should be listened to.

An interesting conversation was Ian Hunt Haileybury vs Krzysztof Rybinski Narxoz about the beeches. Today it is very important.

It's nice to look at people who have achieved great success in their lives. Krzysztof Rybinski, a good example.

The excellent review of school in Kazakhstan, really the students who have graduated this school will be very clever

Quite a productive meeting with informative information.Haileybury is quite an interesting conversationalist with a fascinating format.

Narxoz gave wonderful answers, highlighting the issues of education, which should be noted.

Interlocutors 4 K with each new interview is more interesting .. That's how it is necessary to develop companies, businesses, countries. I'm sure only clever people will give the world progress. We need to remember that children are the future of the country, it depends on them how we will live further.

It turned out quite an interesting meeting and the interlocutor is open for communication. It is very pleasant that Rybinski reached such heights in life

The training sphere, which was touched upon in my conversation by Ian Hunt Haileybury vs Krzysztof Rybinski Narxoz is very important at the moment.

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