From India to European Space Agency - An interactive discussion with Md. Shadab Khan

From India to European Space Agency - An interactive discussion with Md. Shadab Khan

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Hello. Everyone my, name is Anita Party founder, of advice engineer education services today, we have an amazing guest for you who has published five international, research papers during it undergraduate, studies in MIDI, engineering college let alone his. Main subject of research is about searching, life on mass in. The previous month he was honoured with young, scientist award by, European, Space Agency, so. Please welcome mr. Sadat Khan on the show. All. Right things, are going good. Winter. Has started, in France so you. Can expect temperatures. Going, degree. Centigrade, sometimes. Thank. You so much actually I am going for a conference, in Netherlands, next week next month in the wake of the symbol firstly so, they are actually I submitted, a paper and, my, paper got accepted and I was selected for the English scientist award also from the European is presidency. Actually. I was interested, in, space, science and. In. This area, from the very childhood I, remember. My first interest, agree, when I was in my. 50. Standard, and. But. When I moved, later, on to, like. Further classes. My. Interest grew deeper when. I used to see, the pictures. Of planets, and. Other. Informations. That used to come in the newspaper that give. Me a motivation. To read about them and they. Are used to collect information data. And. Even. I used to like. Get the. Pictures. Framed, and they put it in my room and. When. I moved. When. I was in class 8. Then. That. Columbia, disaster take, place in which Kalpana Chawla lost life, so. I, wrote a letter to NASA to. Express. My views and, what, I am thinking, and and. You. Wouldn't believe it I was a student in class 8 at that time in, a small town of India busting. Yes. And NASA replied me I and they are I mean it won't suffice. Yes. I when, I was in my van. I I was, completing my second year that I got information, actually. My plan was that I that. I wanted, to write a book on planet, Mars so. I was getting, information, and in all, the data and, then I wanted, to write a book so I Center. My work. To lot, of. Like. Book. Publishing, agencies, in India but, nobody. Like published. It so. I just him, yeah. So at the same time I got information that a conference. Related. To, like. Space science a big conference is going to happen and before. That I went to IIT, Bombay in February for a aerospace. Workshop, there. So, there, I got a magazine that was in February ready. 2011, so. That time I got the magazine. And. In. The magazine, there was an. Article, in which I got to know that a student, from IIT Bombay went. For some conference, in South Korea for a space conference and I, was very motivated to see that then I went back to Lucknow and then I thought, to myself that, if this student, can go then, why can't I go so, I have checked about that conference for, which he went to South Korea in 2009. I suppose yes, in 2009, and then, I check that that conference, is going to be held in September 2011, in, South Africa, so. I, decided. To submit, my paper also for that conference and. I. Told my teachers, also that I'm, very interested and, I'm, planning, to attend, this also because I see, I student. From IIT, Bombay has, presented. A paper in this conference in 2009. In South Korea so, why can't I do I, can also do that so. They. Were not so pleased and they said you.

Will Go, to South Africa I spend, this much money and, this and that so instead. Of I found that they, they. Did not motivate, me but they were trying to discourage. Me so but. I did not discourage to them because I knew what I have got to do so. I submitted, my paper and my paper got accepted, there and then, I went to South Africa in 2007. Mber 2011. For International. Astronautical, Congress that's, the biggest conference, in the. World. So. That, was the launch pad for my career that was the beginning for my my. Carrier. Related, activities, in there if you love aerospace the professional. Where you can say I. Completed. My bachelor's. In 2013. And. Then. Actually. When I was in my undergraduate, itself, I came to know about you. Know I had met a lot of friends because before. I completed, my undergraduate, I had traveled two. Times to Japan one time to China one, time to Italian, one time to South Africa, so already. I had, five trips outside, India, in for, these professional, activities, and. During. That I had, met with many friends and many professors, and a lot of people who are working in the industry in, the field of space science in the, field of aerospace so. Like, I had worked with them and they, encouraged. Me they gave me the direction that, I should pursue a master's, and, and. Then, I applied. For Erasmus, Mundus master's, course in Germany. And. That. I studied, a, sandwich program, in Germany Sweden, and France in. Two years. That. Is the. Best part of attending. Conferences not, working you you. Got to meet two people and, the. People can play, a very vital role for. Your career I met a, one, very, reputed scientist, from his, row in a conference in. South Africa, it was a very short meeting but now that, person is, like my guide and my mentor so. He's. Row so that's. How things work you know when you go and attend a conference when, you meet especially. When you go out of India and when, you meet somebody from India there like someone from misro or someone from any reputed, a urbanization, yeah. Yeah. That becomes a personal connection because, that, person, from India when. He goes outside India, and when you meet, him outside India he gets motivated, that, yes this student, has come this far for this purpose so it means that this, student has some passion, so, that, person, will be very interested, to, support, a if like.

The Person is also like supportive, and the student is also passionate to learn. That's. How things, work. Yes. Like. When I was to go, to South Africa it. Was a big you, know big. Decision, of my life that I had to choose, you know I was in a confused and shall I go or not shall I go or not because, nobody, was giving me fronts, and nobody was funding. Muna so, there, was no financial support from anybody but my, my, heart said, and my father also motivated, that, my. Son you should go you should go unattended and. So. He, still like we had to spend all the money from our own pocket, but that, now. I believe, that that, was more than worth to spend from our own pocket, and go and attend dad because only. Because yeah, only because of going, to that, conference. I go, to achieve. Lot of things and I. I, would like to tell you that I went two times to Japan and I, did not have to pay a single penny from, my pocket. Yeah. One time I got invited by the Government of Japan and, one. Time I was invited by United Nations so, that. Was the best thing you can like, in one year I had traveled two times in. Withing like one year I traveled two times to Japan and without, any expenses. I did not have took any money. Like. The people from space. Asian agencies, whom I admit they, have a very positive view this see India as a very, front-runner in the field of a space. Technology, they believe that India can go far very far because. The. Limited resources, India. Has the limited, fund India has and still that India is doing a great thing so, I feel. Even I feel very proud when. Someone. From French is facing and say the talk ok India is achieving great India is doing a lot of things we are cooperating with them we are conducting. Joint missions, so that means. A great because, you, know that Indian is faced program is started on below cards you know I do, so. You, know it's, a challenging, thing but people, have a very positive and you, know good. Thought about in any space program always. In life you have to face challenges, you know you. Can never achieve anything without facing, problems, you know when you achieve something great, there, is a, past. And the past is that you, had faced, lot of difficulties lot, of problems, you know and. So. That's the thing you know when, I went to is row in, in. 2013. To meet my guide, I spent. Two nights at, the railway station in Trivandrum you know because. At that time my I was planning to save money because I had a lot of carrier. Objects to do so I thought if I could save for, two nights here in Trivandrum, that. Will be worked for me so you know I spent two nights in, City in the waiting Hall in, three Windham railway station and I try to believe. That if I am capable if I have knowledge, if I have experience, I am sure, that these. Will not be the constraints. To get the opportunity, for myself. Yes. As you see that for. The existence, of life water. In liquid form is very essential until. Endless we don't have water in liquid form life. Cannot, be sustained, you know because all, the, activities. In the human, body that take place only one with, the help of liquid, water for, example like, if you consume something like. For example to, take something all the, molecules. They travel in the liquid medium so. Until, unless we are not able to find liquid water, scientists. Do believe that there is liquid.

Water Existed, in the past on Mars but, it, got evaporated everything. Got operated. From the surface of Mars so, what, scientists, are now trying to do is they are trying to develop some systems they are trying to develop some technologies, in which they can utilize the, resources on, planet Mars for, example they. Believe there is traces. Of oxygen, available, in this Martian. Environment and, as, well, as they wanted to develop. Spray cycle ISM recyclable. Mechanism, so can, they. You. Know generate, oxygen, and. Once you are able to generate oxygen. That's. The most important, thing like, you for. Example like, if you are able to generate some utilise, some resources, there we. Can create colonies. There and inside they and grow plants, and and do you know once you are able to grow plants then you can also do a lot of things. Yes. Of course you know I would. Like to give you one point from, the very beginning if you go back like thousand years ago it. Was always the curiosity. Of human, to find out something new you. Know first. Of all the human try to find new on. For example, what. You take example, of was for digama and Christopher, Columbus, that, time people. We are trying to find out okay we. Are living in Europe so let's find some other place where him, people are existing, if there is any other land for example Vasco de Gama. Christopher. Columbus wanted to find out India but by mistake he went to opposite, you know so that's for the, part where event is called West Indies West India okay. So. And now, when. Humans, have, grown, now the technology has grown we have very, powerful telescopes. We have very powerful rockets, and, we have advanced. Technologies, to develop new systems so. The curiosity. Of human is to find out and explore outside. Earth because. Every night when somebody if. You have been to your village and if you sleep. In the open sky and, when, you see up in the space, then you see the stars, and the twinkling. And the darkness of space so. You try to find. It out okay, what is this what is that you know. I. Would like to tell you the main issue behind that is that nowadays. Engineering. Colleges, have. Become. A mode of business, they. Are not imparting, the correct education, they are not importing, the correct knowledge to the students, that that. Is required for them to be successful in the industry for, example as an aeronautical, engineer it is very important, for you to know software's, like katia SolidWorks, say and says, you, know these software's are very important, for you to learn and. There. Are I have seen that in nowhere, in college like nobody, prepares, the student, or nobody teaches them, or, nobody encourage them that you should learn these software's, or there. Are no activities. There. Are there is no activity, or there is no something. Related. To that very student, has an opportunity, to improve. These skills because as an aeronautical, engineer it is variation cell for you to know software's, because. Engineer, aeronautical, engineering is basically and mostly focused, on software's, most of the part is focused on software's, either related to design either related to simulations, either related to analysis, so. Until. And unless you don't know these things it, can be a big problem for you to find jobs to become successful in the aerospace industry so. My, suggestion will be for, the students, that once. They go into your their second, year they. Should try to put, their. Time I see. Students, when they come to. Fresh. As engineering, isn't in college if they, spend first year because, they have a pressure to clear first year when they go into second year they believe now it's the time to enjoy so. If, you have an object if you do something after you finish after you finish your bachelor's you, have to prepare yourself to learn the things which is required, to be successful in the industry so. Rather than going for a movie two times in a month or three times in a month people. Are not putting in their time people are not putting their money in, to learn something that is the most important, thing that's why when they go into their third year when they go into their final yes you have to start to attend conferences you, have to go when you are in second year because, if you attend conferences, and these things it will help you together the networking once. We have the networking it will help you to get opportunity. Related, to summer training for. Example if, you have to apply for some course. You can get the letter of recommendation, from for, example if you have a networking in Israel if you are doing into internship, in Israel the, letter of recommendation, from the server will play an important, role for your applications, so like. This there, are lot of opportunities. If I had to if I was a director of engineering institutions. I would have imported, all these things into mother curriculum, into this thing that to, prepare the students from the very beginning.

Yes. Nobody is telling because nowadays, colleges, are just busy in making money you know their plan is to make money from you they are not they, are not there, did not open, their. You. Know institution. To impart. The best education, in you because you see I studied, from a college where there is not a single lab, not. A single lab for aeronautical, but I got I got, to achieve the things I went to many. Countries I got lot of things it's. Because my own efforts it's not because of the effort of the institution. Yes. They. Are is trawling the internet but, they are not opening the right tabs and until, you not, open the right taps it. Can be a problem for you so if you want to do something you have to open, the right tab you know you, have to you, have to try to find out the information you, have to collect. The data you know for. Example nobody. Is going to tell you that mr., X there is an opportunity for you you, have to find out the opportunity, then you have to apply there. Actually. Now I am working on small. Satellites you know cube SATs nano side say because. That's, my primary area of interest, so. Right now I am working and I'm interested, in that, like. Mechanical, design mechanical structure, and the. System, analysis, for. CubeSat. Missions because I have already worked for a French lab in France for five months for a satellite, project and at a French professor and that was, a very learning part for myself, and. Then you and, I was paid by the French government for working there at the lab so it was a great moment for myself. In. The eye, in my free time I try to read about lot of things normally, related to aerospace is, all related, to cinema is related, to art related to cultures, I like. To make, travel, to places I, like, to meet new people I, try to find about history and I'm very much interested to know that how something, existed, 100. Years ago and what, is existing. At that same place now. So I try to find out past, and present I try to connect and, and. My, hobbies you know if, you have seen my Facebook I like to collect postage, stamps, that's my hobby and, you. Wouldn't believe it I got, lot of new, informations. Related to Aeronautics, and aerospace because, of those small.

Piece Of stamps. Thank. You thank you for your thank. You for the invitation thank, you thank you so much.

2017-12-31 10:01

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